“I think we go about life as usual,” I say. “In terms of you and me. We can do whatever we want together after hours. But when Katie’s with us, we keep it friendly.”

Tuck’s lips twitch. “As long as I don’t gotta be your friend at night, I’m good with that.Justyour friend, I mean. I’m done keeping my hands off you, Tiny.”

“Ihavediscovered my orgasms have gotten much, much better since I found out I was pregnant.”

He cocks a brow. “Who you thinkin’ about when you’re having them?”

“You.” My heart is still going apeshit inside my chest, but the word comes out easily. “Always, always you.”

“I heard you once. When you were in the shower.”

I jerk. “What?”

Grinning, he holds up his hands. “It was innocent, I swear. Or it was until I stayed in your kitchen and listened to youcome. It was that night we came out here the first time. You forgot your phone in the kitchen, so I brought it over to the crofter. You didn’t answer your door and I stuck my head inside. That’s when I heard you say my name. Moan it, really.”

I cover my face with my hands. “Surely that was illegal.”

“How hot you sounded with my name on your tongue? Yes. That is definitely illegal.”

I give his shoulder a playful shove. “So now you know I’ve had a crush on you since day one.”

“Tiny, I’ve had a crush on you since you complimented my neck tattoo.” He points to the wave rising in blue and black ink up the side of his throat. “You were so fucking sharp.”

“That doesn’t sound like a compliment.”

“It is, though. You were sharp, like you were smart. Witty. And you weren’t afraid to look me in the eye. I liked that.”

I look at him. He looks back. Feeling swells between us.

“We’re really doing this,” I whisper.

His gaze doesn’t waver when he replies, “I think so, yeah. I’m gonna try my best, Tiny. Try to be good to you. And try to be the man you and the baby need.” He nods at my middle. “I know how to be a dad. But I gotta learn how to be a partner.”

“That mean you’re my boyfriend?”

He smiles. A handsome, genuine, happy smile. “It does. Now come to bed with me, honey.”


. . .


Second Chances

I wakeup hard and happy.

Maren is still asleep beside me on her back. Her face is turned away from me, her hair a dark halo on the pillow. She breathes deeply. Evenly. Her bare shoulders rising and falling with every breath.

Maren is naked. In my bed. Where I laid her down after kissing the shit out of her and promising to give a relationship a try.

Who the fuck am I?

And did I remember to lock the door so Katie doesn’t wander in and find us together?

Glancing at my clock, I see that it’s six. The light that streams through the shutters is very pale. I can hear the distant sound of the ocean in the still quiet of my bedroom.

God, I love mornings. It’s the weekend too. Maybe I can take Maren and Katie for a boat ride if it’s warm enough. We can grab lunch at Stede’s if not. Put up some Halloween decorations around the house.