Why I haven’t asked her to close those fucking shutters, I don’t know.

I do know I’m rock hard all of the sudden.

Is she sick? Should I go to her? I don’t want to overstep, but I also don’t want to be a callous asshole.

More than anything, I have to keep boundaries in place. It’d be easy to let a surprise baby muddy the waters, but I’m not playing that game. A girl like Maren, young and idealistic and yes,pregnant, is gonna want my hand and my heart.

Jen and Abel both counseled me to consider letting her in. It’s a nice idea. But the reality is, my heart isn’t on offer. I don’t care if that means I’m broken.

And I am broken. Instead of going to Maren or going to bed, I grab my dick and draw out my orgasm with hard, angry strokes.

Fuck you, I say to the universe.

But when I come, the words that come out are much different.

I miss you, Tiny.

“Daddy, your yuckies are very yucky today.”

I wrinkle my nose, rubbing my chin against my daughter’s cheek. “They are so yucky, Squish. Should I shave them?”

Katie giggles. “Yes, yes, shave them! Is Mare okay?”

“Maren is... fine.” I love that Katie is so smart. But sometimes the fact that she doesn’t miss a damn thing is a pain in the ass. Helps that she’s cute; she’s still wearing the princess costume she fell asleep in last night.

I’m carrying her upstairs for breakfast, my knees aching as I move. She woke up early today, a little before six, but I’ve been up for a while.

And by a while, I mean I didn’t sleep a fucking wink. I tried. When that didn’t work out, I tried reading. I ended up staring out my windows, looking for any signs of movement in Maren’s apartment.

“Poor thing,” Katie says. “She is not feeling well.”

Despite everything, I smile. “She’ll be better soon.”

“We should bring her candy. I like candy when I’m sick.”

“Uh. Well. Maybe later?—”

But Katie is already wiggling out of my arms. She makes a mad dash across the kitchen, digging her hand into the plastic tub of Halloween candy I put out earlier this week. What can I say? Katie and I have the same weakness for Reese’s pumpkins.

Apparently, so does Maren.

“Daddy, I bring them to her.” Katie holds up two fistfuls of candy. “She’ll love it!”

“Maren needs her sleep, Katie.”

“Mare don’t need sleep. She needs candy!” And then Katie darts down the stairs.

Jesus effing Christ, this kid does not listen.

Grabbing the cup of coffee I just made off the counter, Ichase Katie down. By the time I catch up to her, she’s already in the crofter and halfway up the stairs. Because she sounds like a herd of elephants, Katie undoubtedly woke Maren up.

Sure enough, the door at the top of the stairs opens. A sleepy, swollen-eyed Maren appears. Her tanned legs are bare. Arms crossed over her chest, doubtless because she’s still not wearing a bra.

My heart twists. Dick perks up.

“Mare, are you still sick?” Katie asks, her voice several octaves too loud. “I brought you candy to make you feel better. Can I have one too?”

Smiling, Maren reaches down to pick up Katie and settle her on her hip. “You’re so sweet to think of me. Thank you. Can I get a hug?”