I shake my head. “Just feels full.”

“You’re so fucking small here.” His eyes meet mine. “You’re gonna feel like heaven.”

“Nowthatmight hurt.”

He shakes his head. His finger presses farther inside me, curling when it meets my G-spot. “You can handle it, Tiny.”

“From what I’ve seen, I’m not so sure.”

He smirks before licking my clit. “You been lookin’ too, huh?”

“How the hell could I not look? You’re, like, a southern Thor who surfs.”

Tuck laughs. A big, booming laugh that gives me that soft feeling in my chest again. “You sayin’ I’m a god?”

“I’m saying you’re a big guy.”

“Which is why we gotta get you nice and ready.” He thrusts his finger in. Out.

But it’s the way he twines his fingers of his other hand through mine that almost sends me over the edge.

“You’re excellent at this,” I say.

He chuckles again, his breath a gust of warmth against my pussy. “I know. Now shut the fuck up and come on this tongue like a good girl.”

Dirty talk. I’ve done it before. Never liked it.

But this?

This, Ilove.

He plays with my clit with his tongue, then his lips. He keeps thrusting that finger. I feel another pressing against me, wanting to join the first. The pressure is slightly painful and totally, unbearably arousing.

My entire body rises into his touch, my hips rolling against his mouth and fingers.

“Let me know you heard me,” he growls.

I nod. “Tuck. I heard you.”



The tightness between my legs becomes white hot. His tongue works frantically over my clit. I draw our joined hands to my breast and together we play with my nipple.

“You’re so good at this,” he murmurs against my pussy. “Knowing what you want. Trusting me to give it to you. Take it, Tiny.”

I’m failing at the only thing I feel like I’ve always been good at. It’s so nice to hear I might be good at something else.

It’s nice to be praised for something other than a test score, a degree, a line on a résumé.

Desire thunders through my body. Tuck’s second finger slides inside me at the same moment he flicks the tip of his tongue over my clit.

The orgasm detonates deep inside me. I shout Tuck’s name as the shockwaves hit, shoving me off a cliff so high I’m scared of what the impact might be when I hit the ground.

But for several loud, hard heartbeats I just fall, plummeting with heart-churning speed into sensation so sweet ithas a bite to it. Tuck plays gently with my pussy, even as he curses.

“Fuck, Tiny, the feel of you tightening around me like this. Fuck.Fuck.”