I glance at the door. That’s stupid, right? If he wanted me, he’d be here right now.

But staying put—doing the smart thing and grabbing another shower and going to bed—somehow feels like a betrayal of myself. What was it Tuck said? He knows what he wants, and he goes after it.

I want him. According to his logic, I should go after him. Who knows when we’ll get this chance again? It’s Saturday night. Katie isn’t here, so we don’t run the risk of her seeing us.

I know deep down that he wants me. I saw it in his eyes. How they burned.

Maybe he’s waiting for me to make a move.

Maybe he just needs a little nudge so we can get this weird tension out of our systems.

I put my phone on the counter and spin back around. Grabbing the door, I hustle down the stairs before I change my mind. My legs feel like Jell-O as I move. Partly from my long-ass day, partly because I can’t fucking believe I’m doing this right now.

Seems too easy, just asking for what I want.

Seems greedy, asking for more.

But I’m asking anyway.

I jump at the bang that sounds below. It’s the door that leads to the deck outside.

My heart sputters when Tuck appears at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes are on fire when they collide with mine. “Tonight. It’s all I can give you, Maren.”

I start down the steps again, disbelief and desire tearing through me in equal measure. “Tonight is all I need.”

“I’m your boss. I don’t want that to get in the way. If we do this, Maren, you gotta promise you’ll be honest with me—there won’t be any blowback from my end. We’re equals here.”

“Promise.” Although to be honest, I’d tell this man anything he wanted to hear if it meant getting to touch him.

He climbs the stairs two at a time. My pulse is inside my skin, pounding so hard and so loud it makes me feel unsteady, but that only emboldens me. Have I ever wanted a man this badly?

I’ll never get this chance again. Might as well go all in.

So I do. I leap into his arms at the same moment he reaches for me. The movement is effortless, immediate, a fevered meeting of bodies. His hands curling around the backs of my thighs. My arms locking around his neck, legs locking around his waist.

He is a huge, solid wall of muscle and heat that still, by some miracle, fits perfectly between my legs. I roll my hips, seeking friction, and he growls, mouth an inch from mine.

I can smell the cinnamon on his breath.

Instinct takes over. He tilts his head and I tilt mine, closing my eyes when he crushes his mouth against mine in a bruising, breathy kiss that has my heart spasming inside my chest. One second in, and I can already tell he’s an A-plus kisser. He’s hungry, unafraid, his lips soft and warm as they move knowledgeably over mine. He doesn’t rush. He takes long, deep pulls, his tongue licking into my mouth, opening me to his kiss.

God, this man’skiss.

I feel it everywhere. Along my spine and in my clit. His beard catches on my chin, and somewhere in the back of my mind it registers that I’ll probably have beard burn tomorrow.

The thought sends a delicious shiver through me. I want to be marked.

I like that he’s not afraid to mark me. So different from thehalf-hearted ministrations of guys I’ve been with in the past. It’s like they didn’t care enough to display that kind of intensity. Of thirst.

But Tuck? He’s fucking ferocious, and he clearly isn’t afraid to show it.

He growls, softly drawing his teeth over my bottom lip, and carries me up the stairs.

The motherfucker’s hardly out of breath by the time he steps into my apartment and kicks the door closed behind him. Thebangmakes the arousal gathering between my legs pulse.

I’m so turned on it hurts.

Tuck stalks to the dim quiet of my bedroom. Tosses me onto the bed like I weigh as much as a feather. I bounce a little on the mattress and I smile, opening my eyes to see Tuck standing at the edge of the bed, eyes roving over my tits, my bare belly.