When I climb out, bending over to help Katie out too, Ifeel my bikini bottom get stuck between my cheeks. I straighten and reach back to adjust it.

Looking up, I catch Tuck staring at me. He’s straddling his surfboard several yards out, but I can still see the way his jaw flexes as his narrowed eyes rake over my body.

A pulse of lust hits me, hard.

“Hey, Mare, can we go looking for more seashells? Please? I want to find purple ones so we can put them on the roof of a new tower. Please? Please!”

Grateful for the distraction, I turn my back on Tuck and his smoldering gaze and grab Katie’s hand.

She’s my focus. Myonlyfocus, at least when I’m on the job.

If her super-hot dad is a distraction, I’ll have to get over it.

The week goes by in a blur. I start to settle into a routine alongside Tuck and Katie. Tuck likes getting up with her in the mornings. He’ll make us all eggs and toast, then he grabs a shower and I take over. Katie and I get dressed, brush our teeth, then hop in a golf cart and head for camp. While she’s there, I pick up the house and do some laundry or make muffins for Katie’s snack when she gets home. Then I pick her up and we spend the afternoon together, sometimes at the house, other times at the beach or riding our bikes along the miles of Bald Head’s bike paths.

I tell myself I’m going to study with whatever leftover time I have. But when I sit down to listen to a lecture or go over my notes, I get this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My gut is clearly telling me to make a change. But how can I do that now? I’ve already invested over a year of my life, and tens of thousands of dollars, in getting this degree. IfI did quit, I’d need a solid plan to follow some other path, which I don’t have right now.

All I know is the path I’ve been on isn’t right for me. Beyond that, I got nothing. Well, nothing but crushing debt and a crush on my boss.

What a freaking mess.

Luckily, this wedding Tuck is in keeps him busy as the weekend approaches, so he isn’t home at his usual time of five o’clock every night. I end up making Katie dinner and putting her to bed when he’s late. I don’t hate it—Katie is adorable, and staying busy with her is a great distraction—but when the stars come out and the house is silent, I’m gripped by a fierce sense of loneliness. Of frustration.

Instead of studying, I end up thinking about Tuck. More than once I imagine him bursting through the door and tossing me over his shoulder, Viking-raider style.

I can’t take it anymore, he’d growl.You’re coming to bed with me.

By the time Saturday rolls around my vibrator is dead, and the shower head and I have established a very intimate relationship.

I wake up to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. No, wait. That’s actually someone pounding on the door.

I leap out of bed and scurry through the apartment. Opening the door, I nearly fall over when I see Tuck standing there. He’s wearing dark jeans and T-shirt that’s molded to his chest and arms. I can tell he’s freshly showered; his hair is still wet, and the clean smell of soap rises off his skin.

Am I dreaming?

Has the Viking actually come to visit sexual bliss upon my person?

“I need you,” he says without preamble.

My stomach lurches. The air outside is surprisingly chilly. “Wha—wait. Are you—um, pardon?”

“Caffeinate. Now.” I look down to see him pressing atravel mug of coffee into my hand. “The wedding venue’s been washed out by the storm. We’re moving to plan B, and it’s all hands on deck. You can say no, but.., yeah, please say yes.”

I blink. My body registers the information before my brain does, my heart folding in half in disappointment.

“Oh. Sure. Of course, I’m happy to help. Do you need me to take Katie, or?—”

“You’re coming with me.” His eyes catch on my chest. He clears his throat when my nipples, ever the traitors, harden to tight, definitely visible points. “We, uh. Are going to set up the new venue. Katie is going to a friend’s house for a play date.”

I cross my arms over my breasts. I should start wearing a bra 24/7 while I’m living here so I stop constantly looking like a contestant in a wet T-shirt contest.

“Wow. Okay. Great, yeah. Just gimme a few minutes to get dressed.”

“Sure. Uh.” He runs a hand over the back of his neck. “Take your time. I’m going to drop Katie off.”

“Do you need me to bring anything?—”