My heart feels mushy but beats hard inside my chest.


It beats ardently, sending a message straight to my head as I look at Maren, and keep looking. My dick gets the message too, the words marching in time to my heartbeat clear as the fucking sky above our heads.





Panic grips my windpipe. I look back up at the sky. “Wise words for a—wait, how old are you?”

“Twenty-two. But Capricorns are old souls, so.”

“Of course they are.”

“What does that mean?” Her hand falls from my arm. My heart falls too.

More panic. I can’t be disappointed when Maren pulls away. I should be glad. Grateful.

Instead, I wanna grab her, tell her to touch me everywhere.

“Means you’re not what I was expecting,” I reply. “We’ve had a nanny before. But she wasn’t like you.”

Maren grins. “A tatted-up flyer with a thing for whiskey and a way with koalas?”

I let out a bark of laughter. The kind that hits you in the sides and makes you glad to be alive.

“A nanny that looks me in the eye for one thing,” I say.

She nudges me with her elbow. Did she move closer or did I? “Your death stare doesn’t scare me.”

“It should.”

“Your sister’s right. I think you’re all bark and no bite.”

I cross my arms. “You don’t know me.”

“I know enough.” Her chin takes on a defiant tilt. “And I think deep down, you’re a teddy bear.”

My eyes catch on her mouth. That frustratingly full top lip. I imagine sucking on it. She’d taste like whiskey, all fiery sweetness that goes straight to your head.

“That’s not the animal that lives inside me, no.”

She arches an eyebrow. “Give me a hint.”

“I’m not playing this game.”

“It’s a koala, isn’t it? That’s why you bought Katie the costume.”

I’m laughing again and so is she. “Not even close.”

“A panda.”

“You keep going with the bear theme.”