I knew I'd be a long road filled with challenges and uncertainties ahead, but I was willing to face them head-on.

I finally spoke up as we returned to the clubhouse, breaking the silence.

"Thanks, Jon. I needed this," I said, my voice filled with gratitude.

Jon grinned, clapping me on the back. With those words, we entered the clubhouse, ready to put our golf clubs away and move on to whatever the evening had in store.

I knew that the path ahead wouldn't be easy; I’d have to confront my demons and be honest with myself and with Elizabeth.

But with the support of a good friend and the determination to break free from my past mistakes, I was ready to face the uncertain future with hope and optimism.

I couldn't help but feel that things might be different this time. This time, I was determined to let the flames of romance burn slowly, allowing them to grow into a steady bonfire.

Chapter Fifteen


Istepped into Allan's gallery, the air filled with the scent of expensive champagne and the chatter of artsy people.

The success of his London show was a big deal, and tonight was a night to celebrate. I was excited to be here, even though Alexander wasn't sure he would attend.

I scanned the room, the artwork adorning the walls catching my eye as I moved through the crowd. Allan had outdone himself.

I wondered if his brother's hesitation had anything to do with the eclectic mix of people present.

As I navigated the crowd, I spotted Stacy, Allan's assistant, dressed in a pretty black and white polka dot dress, watching a group of kids who had come with some of Allan's friends. She is doing a fantastic job keeping them entertained, even in this adult-focused environment.

I decided to text Alexander to see if he could make it. I knew his schedule was often unpredictable for social events since he was always busy. I typed out a quick message:

Elizabeth Parker

Hey, where are you? Are you coming to your brother's art show?

I didn't have to wait long for a response. My phone buzzed, and I read his reply:

I'm behind you.

I spun around so fast that my drink sloshed out of the glass and onto the person next to me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up at the person I’d accidentally soaked with my drink.

"I apologize; I’m so sorry. Let me get you a napkin," I said, flustered and embarrassed.

As I fumbled for a napkin, my eyes landed on the unexpected sight of Alexander and Allan hugging each other tightly.

Alexander had just shown up, and Allan had immediately rushed over to welcome him.

It was a heartwarming sight, and I couldn’t help but smile.

I handed the napkin to the person I’d spilled my drink on and turned my attention back to the brothers.

Allan led Alexander to where I stood, and we exchanged warm greetings. Since we were already acquainted, Allan excused himself to check on the other guests, leaving Alexander and me to explore together.

As we wandered through the exhibit, our eyes were captivated by the diverse range of artwork on display.

The room was filled with vibrant paintings, intricate sculptures, and thought-provoking installations. One particular piece, a hyper-realistic portrait, caught our attention.

The portrait depicted an older woman with a lifetime of stories etched into the lines on her face. Her eyes seemed to hold the wisdom of the ages, and her hands, weathered with time, clutched a bouquet of vibrant wildflowers.