I kicked off my shoes and collapsed onto my cozy living room couch. The lamp's warm glow provided the perfect ambiance for a night of reflection.

I needed to sort out my feelings, confront my desires, and make a decision. But first, I needed a shower and at least six hours of shut-eye.

When I woke up, I felt like I hadn't slept. A weird fatigue clung to me like a second skin, and I couldn't shake it off. I couldn’t quite understand why it’d been like this for a few days.

It could be stress, or I was coming down with something. Whatever it was, it left me feeling drained and out of sorts.

As I was contemplating my fatigue, my phone rang.

It was Allan.

He’d always been the one to brighten my days, and I hoped he had some good news to share.

"Hey, Elizabeth, how are you feeling today?" Allan's cheerful voice greeted me.

I sighed. "Not great, Allan. I'm so tired, and I don't know why. I've been feeling weird lately."

Allan's concern was evident in his tone. "Weird, how?"

"It's hard to explain," I began, struggling to describe my feelings.

"I just feel off, you know? Fatigued, dizzy sometimes, and I've been having these strange mood swings."

Allan was quiet for a moment, probably processing what I'd said. Then he chuckled, "Maybe you're pregnant.”

I burst out laughing at his comment. “Oh, you and your jokes! I highly doubt that's the case."

"If you say so. You did have sex like a few weeks ago.”

"And?" I asked.

"Nothing," he conceded.

There was a pause.

"Anyway, I’ve got news, Liz. Big news. I've been invited to showcase some of my art in a gallery in London!"

I gasped, forgetting my fatigue for a moment. "Allan, that's incredible! Congratulations!"

Allan explained that a renowned art curator had seen his work online and was captivated by it. She reached out to him, and after some discussions, they decided to feature his art in a prestigious gallery in London.

It’s a dream come true for him. I was touched he wanted to share the news with me before anyone else.

My heart swelled with pride for my talented friend.

"Allan, I'm so happy for you! This is amazing news!"

Allan's excitement was contagious.

"I knew you'd be thrilled. You've always been my biggest supporter besides Alex."

We chatted about Allan's upcoming trip, his preparations, and the excitement of showcasing his art internationally. A big part of me wished I could go with him. It was the perfect distraction from my fatigue, and I found myself genuinely excited for him.

After I hung up the phone with Allan, his joking about pregnancy lingered in my mind.

I couldn't help but wonder if he'd be right. Although I’d laughed it off, something deep inside me urged me to find out.

What if I was pregnant?