Chapter One


Alexander Hartman was beautiful.

Vanilla-smooth skin, sugar-sweet smile, unruly black curls, strong hands, hard muscles, and his eyes were deep blue. Blue as the sun-kissed sky on a perfect summer day.

I pulled him closer, even as his scent filled me up.

As we stand on the balcony of his mansion, the moon a yellow blush in the sky, his lips brushed mine, warm and soft.

His hands had roamed my back, creating a current tingling on my skin.

The feather-light touch of his tongue graced my skin and lips. He set me shivering, my heart racing, my insides aching with a primal and desperate need.

I opened my eyes and found him staring back at me in the smoky light. Carnal desires burned beneath my skin, horny chatter filling my mind like a flood.

I wanted him inside me.

Sighing as our lips met, I fumbled with the cufflinks on his sleeves. I was all thumbs and sweat and shaking hands.

Managing to get his cufflinks and shirt off, I crushed my lips to his, sinking into him as he lifted me and moved us back into his study.

Just him and me now, skin to skin. My moans or his, I could no longer tell where his ended and mine began.

The ache was unbearable, soaking me through, hands shaking as they explored the wax-smooth swells of his chest, the hard V-shaped line of flesh leading down to his cock.

I slipped my fingers inside his pants and grabbed hold of pulsing heat, heavy as iron.



He moaned, shaking from desire.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I looked up into his eyes as I dropped to my knees.

"I'm sure," I answered, my voice barely a whisper as I wrapped my lips around his cock.

Two Days Earlier...

Monday 10:00 a.m.

Istared at the email notification on my phone, and my heart skipped a beat when I read the subject line:

"Special Assignment: Interview with Alexander Hartman."

Alexander Hartman was not just any billionaire tycoon; he was the older brother of my best friend, Allan. I couldn't help but feel excitement and apprehension about the assignment. I never thought I'd be writing a profile piece about the man I’d clashed with on several occasions.

As I walked into the bustling office, my boss, Sarah, greeted me with a knowing smile.

"Have you seen the email yet, Elizabeth?" she asked with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

I nodded, trying to hide my nerves.

"Yes, I have. It's quite unexpected."