Until he raises an eyebrow and opens his mouth. “Excuse me?”

“I’ve been waiting for an hour, so you don’t just get to come over here and bat your eyes and flash your million-dollar smile and think that’s going to make things better.”

His lips twitch. “You think I have a million-dollar smile?”

“Some people would describe it that way,” I stutter, the color quickly creeping up my cheeks and neck. “But I don’t, in case you thought I was one of those people or something.”

He can't possibly think that I'm like all those women who go weak in the knees from his jokes.

Who the heck does he think he is? Just do your work, whatever your work is, and go away dude. I don't have time for you or your charm.

I don’t want to care how attractive he is. Or what the ranch staff lets him get away with.

I don’t even want to think about the surge of annoyance pumping through me every time another woman looks at him.

What the hell, Danielle? You can’t be jealous. You don’t even know the guy, shit, why do you feel so jealous?

He continues to stare at me, a furrow appearing between his brows. “I wasn’t trying to delay the check-in process, Ms. Clark. I was just going to ask Maureen to give you something.”


Why am I acting like a nervous high-schooler with a crush?

Get a fucking grip, Danielle.

He nods in Maureen’s direction, and she reaches underneath the desk and pulls out a gift bag.

Wordlessly, she hands it to him, and he peers into it. After moving a few things around, he holds it out to me with a smile.

A smile that makes my knees feel weak.

And makes my stomach feel funny.

Goddamn it.

What is the matter with you, Danielle? You can’t just act like some lovesick teenager when a man smiles at you. No matter how handsome he is.

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. “What is this?”

“It’s a gift bag,” he replies, pausing to flash me another smile. “I know it can’t make up for the delay, but consider it a start.”

“Huh?” I am staring at him, completely lost now. The rest of the world has faded into the background

He takes a step towards me, and his answering smile sends the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. “The start of a really good apology.”

Is he for real?

This man has no right to be this good-looking or this charming.

Because he’s making my stomach do odd little flip-flops, making me reconsider my decision to remain celibate throughout the trip.

Wow! Maybe they are even right about couples finding each other here.

Stop it Danielle! You're doing it again. You see a guy smile at you, and you start fantasizing about him. By the time you're in your room, you’ll be married to him and having his children.

I bring myself back to reality.

With his broad shoulders, long calloused hands, and easy smile, I know I’m in danger. Especially because he is still looking expectantly at me. I can see my own image in his glasses.