Doctor Pierce strides over to where the babies are being taken care of. Both of them are still crying and fussing, and they have been put side by side in their beds.

She listens to their heartbeats with her stethoscope while the nurses watch her intently.

As soon as she’s done, she turns to both of us with another smile. After untying the straps of the mask from around her mouth, she tucks it away.

“We’re going to take the babies away for a little bit. When we’re done, we’ll run a few tests but everything looks good.”

I’m fighting to keep my eyes open by now. “We don’t have any pairs of names ready for one of each.”

“We have two girl names and two boy names,” Adrian adds. “Obviously, we didn’t expect this"

I stifle a yawn, my eyes watering. “Do we have to name them right away?”

“We can call them the Steele babies for now,” Doctor Pierce suggests, her expression still calm and patient. “As soon as you settle on the names, you can let us know.”

Adrian’s expression lights up. “Wait, let me go tell Savannah and Brian.”

He darts out before I can stop him, and Doctor Pierce stands next to me. She is fussing over me and checking my vitals when Brian and Savannah appear behind the door, sneaking a look inside.

The two of them look reluctant as Adrian gestures to me and then makes a sweeping hand gesture to indicate the babies.

Once he’s done, he moves closer to them, and I can see their lips moving.

I look over at my babies, and my heart swells to twice its size. “Are they going to be okay? Since they were born early?”

“It was only a couple of weeks early, so it’s fine. They seem better than fine,” Doctor Pierce says, her fingers cool and steady against my wrist. “Would you like me to get you anything?”

I yawn. “No, I think I’m okay.”

Doctor Pierce pats my hand. “You did great. Deliveries can be hard, and you had to bring two babies into the world. That’s no easy feat.”

I pull the covers up to my chin. “I feel like I’ve run a marathon.”

Doctor Pierce chuckles. “That sounds about right. I remember how painful it was to have my twins. Just make sure you take it easy over the next few weeks.”

Adrian bursts back into the room, his eyes bright with excitement. “Savannah and Brian suggested names, but I didn’t like them.”

I giggle. “So, why do you look so happy?”

“Because when I rejected all of their suggestions, Savannah told me to just—”

I yawn again, louder this time, and it drowns out the rest of his sentence.

“Can you tell me what you decided on later? I’m exhausted.”

Before I drift off, I insist on holding the twins in my arms. Gently, one is placed on either side, and they nuzzle against me. I press them closer and squeeze my eyes shut.

Adrian drapes an arm over my shoulders and kneels down next to me. I listen for the sound of their light breathing.

Then the nurses take them away and place them in their beds, side by side.

I watch with a heavy heart as they’re wheeled away. “Do you think they’ll be okay?”

Adrian kisses each of my hands. “Do you want me to go with the nurses?”

I nod, a little too eagerly. “Please.”

“Okay, let me just bring Savannah in here.” Adrian drops a kiss to my forehead and hurries out. He comes back in with Savannah hot on his heels.