I give her a slow smile. “Thank you.”

“You’re probably going to have work when you get back. Don’t you at least want to close your eyes for a few minutes?”

I shake my head. “I’m fine. By the way, Brian will be waiting for us when we get there. He’s really excited to meet you.”

Danielle’s smile lights up her whole face. “I’m looking forward to meeting him properly.”

Slowly, she sits up, and the sheet pools around her waist. She leans between us, gives me a quick peck on the lips, and sighs.

Then she swings her legs over the side of the bed and wraps the sheet around her waist.

Barefoot and tousled, she sticks her head into the adjoining bathroom, a furrow appearing between her brows.

“This is a lot more spacious than I thought it would be,” Danielle says, mostly to herself. “How do you even make that work?”

“I’ll let you know if I ever find out,” I respond, before standing up and stretching my arms over my head.

Without responding, Danielle steps into the bathroom, and I hear the water running.

When I step into the bathroom, she’s already behind the shower stall, lathering up with the soap and humming to herself.

In the mirror, I watch her run her fingers through her hair.

I brush my teeth and examine them in the mirror, allowing myself a full view of her gorgeous curves. She spins around, pushes her hair out of her eyes, and her eyes fly open.

She has the most beautiful eyes.

She gives me a long look and cocks a finger at me, beckoning me forward. In a daze, I step behind the glass door.

When I take her into my arms, I realize what she's planning. She’s got a devious smirk playing on the edge of her lips.

Danielle lowers herself to her knees and looks up at me.

“Again, I’m so sorry about the incident in the bedroom,” Danielle says, her eyes swinging back and forth between the two of us. “This is going to take a lot of getting used to.”

Brian waves her comment away. “I’m sorry that I freaked out. It wasn’t you by the way. From what little I could see—”

I slap Brian on the back of his head. “Do not finish that sentence.”

Brian scowls and rubs his neck. “I was going to give her a compliment. Don’t worry. I can keep it classy.”

Danielle hides her giggle behind her glass.

The three of us have been sitting in the outdoor section of the restaurant, underneath a blanket of stars for the past few hours.

With all of the curtains closed, and no other guests around, I can almost believe my plan is going to work.

Except for the part where Brian and Danielle hit it off.

Not only are the two of them getting along well, but I’m realizing what an idiot I was to keep the two of them apart.

On the surface, the two of them have nothing in common, but neither of them seems to care.

Getting past the initial awkwardness was the hard part, now that everything is out in the open, Danielle and I are finally free.

We have an actual fighting chance, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

I signal to one of the waiters, and I’m only half-listening to their conversation when he comes in.