Savannah materializes in the doorway and crosses one arm over the other. “Has Gina gotten back to you yet?”

I finish patting my face and avoid my reflection in the mirror. “No, and I don’t think she’s going to. I think I really blew it, Sav. She’s probably not going to give me any serious jobs, and I’m going to be stuck writing fluff piece for the rest of my career.”

Savannah steps to the side and allows me to pass. “Come on, I’m sure that’s not true. You’ll make your case when you see her and see how that goes.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready to go back to work.”

Savannah stands behind me as I rifle through the closet. “I think you should at least try.”

I stop rifling and glance at her over my shoulders. “Will it get you off of my back?”

She pauses and folds her arms over her chest. “It will help, but I won’t be completely off your back. Someone has to make sure you’re alive and clean.”

I offer her a raised eyebrow. “Thanks.”

The door creaks open, and Skittles darts in, black tail swishing back and forth. He jumps onto the bed, curls up in a ball and purrs.

With a smile, I stride over to him, scoop him into my arms and give him a big, noisy kiss.

Skittles purrs even more and snuggles into me. I bury my face against his fur and try to ignore the knots in my stomach.

But even a shower doesn’t wash Adrian away.

And when I pull on a skirt and blouse and see the slew of missed calls from the resort, it doesn’t make me feel better.

As I slide into my shoes and grab my purse, I think of my time with Adrian.

I see us together sitting by the light of the moon snuggling against each other.

And I remember how it felt to wake up to him, to finally feel safe and loved in his arms. But that doesn’t ease the ache in my chest.

Savannah pours me a cup of coffee, and I sip it in silence.

She hovers while I nibble on a bagel but doesn’t say anything.

In my mind, I see Adrian making me breakfast, his muscled back turned in my direction. When I blink, Savannah is rummaging through the fridge for more food.

She looks at me over her shoulders, and her expression softens.

I give her a grim smile. Savannah walks me to the door and hands me an apple, a bottle of water, and a paper bag with a sandwich in.

During the bus ride to work, my knees are bouncing up and down, and I can’t stop glancing out the window. I’m suddenly glad I decided not to drive.

I lean my head against the glass, the world outside rushing past in either direction. I see Adrian’s face everywhere I go, and I can almost swear I hear his laugh in the whistling of the wind.

The longing in me grows stronger as I get off the bus and stand outside the tall metal building.

Men and women in business suits rush past me in either direction.

I take a deep breath and push my way through the revolving doors. A blast of cold air hits me in the face when I emerge on the other side.

I walk past two large tables and a row of plush leather chairs into the lobby.

In the elevator, I tap my feet impatiently.

The doors finally ping open, and I step outside.

As soon as I do, the cacophony of voices hits me first, followed quickly by the scent of berries air freshener.