Her fluffy bathrobe. Her hair and skin products.

All of it is gone, like she was never there to begin with.

I’m muttering to myself as I step out of her cabin and into the morning air. The sun is hot on the back of my neck, and I’m sweating by the time I make it to the main cabin.

Maureen is bent over a map with a guest, a look of fierce concentration etched onto her features. I dig my nails into my palms and shift from one foot to the other.

As soon as she’s done, I stride over to her and place both hands on the desk.

“Have you seen Ms. Clark? She asked for a private riding lesson. I stopped by her cabin but no one was there.”

Maureen’s brows furrow together as she turns to the computer. Her fingers move quickly and deftly. “Ms. Clark checked out this morning.”

My stomach clenches. “What?”

Maureen types in something else and peers at the screen. “Yeah, Maurice checked her out this morning. She said something about a personal issue. Oh and that it was okay if we couldn’t refund the money for the remaining few days.”

I frown and link my fingers together. “Did she say anything else?”

Maureen shakes her head. “I’m sorry, sir.”

I take a step back and exhale. “Okay. Thank you, Maureen.”

On my way to the office, I run into Doctor Sheridan who is muttering to herself and flipping through her files.

After apologizing, she beckons me into her office, where she shuts the door and leans against it.

“I know I’m breaking confidentiality here, but I’m worried about Ms. Clark.”

I blink. “Why? What did she say?”

“She was really distraught when I saw her this morning, and she kept talking about how tired she is of everything. As you know, it’s the protocol for me to reach out to her emergency contact if I believe a patient is a danger to herself or others.”

My heart misses a beat. “Have you been able to reach that person?”

Doctor Sheridan pushes herself off the wall and gives me a peculiar look. “No, she isn’t answering her phone. Mr. Steele, I’m sorry to ask you this, but are you Mr. X?”

“Mr. X?”

“You can’t be.” Doctor Sheridan shakes her head and steps behind her desk. She pulls out another folder and flips it open. “It’s not possible.”

I cross over to Doctor Sheridan and lean over the desk. “Who is Mr. X? What has Danielle said about me? This is really important.”

“She didn’t mention you at all,” Doctor Sheridan replies, without looking at me. “She was seeing this other guest at the ranch, a Mr. X, a man who she believed had serious psychological problems.”

I taste bile in the back of my throat. “Treating her? Did she say anything else?”

Doctor Sheridan looks up and pauses. “She was confused and hurt by his behavior. A lot of it doesn’t make sense to me either. I couldn't figure out this Mr. X guy. It seems to me he was playing with her. I don't know. That's what I got from it.”

I push myself off the desk and ran a hand over my face. “Doctor Sheridan, can you tell me about one of the incidents?”

“I really shouldn’t—”

“You said yourself you were worried about her and that if you’re worried about a patient, you’re allowed to break confidentiality. I can help her.”

She gives me a dubious look.

“I can at least try,” I add, giving her a pleading look. “Where’s the harm in trying, right? You don’t have to tell me all of the specifics.”