Adrian’s eyes flash with anger. “When have I ever done that?”

“At the restaurant the other day,” I retort, with a shake of my head. “I saw you hide your face behind the menu. We were supposed to go out, so we could give us ourselves a chance in the real world. And you behave like that.”

“The man we saw at the restaurant owns the local newspaper. He loves to write things without checking facts, and I didn’t want him writing about us.”

“And yet you felt the need to keep this from me. Do you see why I’m having a hard time trusting you? Because it feels like you don’t even trust me.”

Adrian makes a low noise in the back of his throat. “Let’s not kid ourselves here, Danielle. You don’t trust me because you don’t want to.”

I suck in my breath harshly. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Don’t say it, Adrian. Don’t say it. Don’t—

Adrian folds his arms over his chest. “Since we’ve met, it’s like you’re waiting for me to screw up. For the other shoe to drop. And it doesn’t matter what I say or what I do. You’re never going to trust me. And you're not willing to wait until I'm ready before I share certain things with you. You're kind of forcing me.”

My ears are ringing now. “That’s not true. I’ve worked hard on my issues, and I’ve been trying to open myself up to you. You’re the one who keeps pushing me away.”

“I’m pushing you away? What the fuck are you talking about?”

I point a finger at him and bridge the gap between us, so there’s only a few inches of space. “You tell me you’re in love with me then you ignore me. You’re affectionate and sweet in private. But when we’re in public, you can’t get away from me fast enough. And don’t tell me you’re being discreet or whatever bullshit excuse you’re going to give me. Not after how you acted in the woods, by the pool.”

“I'm not sure what you're talking about. All I've done is be attentive to you and show you love.”

I take a few steps back and shake my head. “Here we go again. No, you know what? I’m done being nice, Adrian. You’ve got a serious problem, and you need help. I don’t know how you’ve managed for so long without treatment, but you can’t—”

Adrian’s eyes flash, and he let outs a low, humorless laugh. “Hold on. What are you saying?”

I wince. “I’m trying to avoid using terms that are offensive, but you do have issues. Serious ones by the looks of it, and it’s okay to get help.”

Adrian runs a hand over his face, his face is red. “Okay, we need to stop talking right now before this goes any further. Or we’re both going to say more things we’ll regret.”

I snap my mouth shut and stare at him.

Part of me wants to cover the distance between us and take him into my arms.

Another part of me wants to run out of the room and keep running till I make it back to the city and the comfort and familiarity of Savannah.

I do neither.

Instead, I continue to stand there and stare at the man whose face I’ve come to know, wondering what I should do next.

What we should do next.

Doctor Sheridan was right. You aren’t equipped to handle this and there’s nothing wrong with that.

A few long moments pass, during which a clock ticks in the background.

Adrian pours himself a drink, and I move in the direction of the door. “You’re right. We shouldn’t talk about this. I think it’s best if I go.”

Adrian eyes me over the rim of his glass. “I think that’s for the best too.”

Tears prick the back of my eyes as I wrench the door open and hurry outside.

It takes me a few tries to find my way back to the main part of the cabin and by then I’ve pulled my glasses down low.

Hot tears are sliding down my cheeks as I step out into the sweltering heat. I make a beeline for my own cabin, weaving in and out of the throngs of people on my way past.

Once I’ve made it there, I slam the door shut, lean against it, and bury my face in my hands.