Now and again, I pause to suck in huge mouthfuls of air, swallowing against the nausea building up in the back of my throat.

When we reach my cabin, Adrian takes the keycard out of my pocket and swipes the door open. Then he ducks inside and hoists me up, pausing to kick the door shut behind him.

My head is cradled against his strong chest as he carries me into the room. He sets me down on the bed, pulls the cover up to my chin, and disappears.

I sit up and am about to throw the covers off when I hear him in the kitchen.

He comes back with a glass of water and sets it down on the nightstand. “You should try and get some rest.”

I sink further against the mattress. “Why can’t we just have something normal?"

I know I’ve made a complete fool of myself tonight. So at this point, I don’t even care how desperate or sad I look.

Adrian perches on the edge of the bed and takes both of my hands in his.

"Danielle, you’re drunk now. I’m not going to have this conversation with you.”

I huff and frown. That’s not why. It’s because he's embarrassed to be seen with me. I’m not good enough for him. That’s why he keep changing his mind. Not to mention his psychological issues….

Adrian scooches closer and holds my gaze. “Get some rest, Danielle. And remember, you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

I blink. He's so full of it. He's lying through his teeth.

“Sometimes you don't even recognize me.”

Adrian leans forward and presses a kiss to my forehead. “I think you’re confused. Try and get some sleep, okay?”

I shake my head and sit up. “No, I don’t want to sleep.”

Adrian frowns and takes a step back. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Danielle. I can’t talk to you right now. You still have alcohol in your system. I'm a bit too familiar with over drinking and what it can do to a person. Rest for now and I'll see you for a late lunch."

I release a deep, shaky breath. I can't even tell him how I feel. My eyes are heavy and my mouth is dry.

My butt hurts from the fall. My tongue is tied when it comes to expressing my thoughts of him.

Adrian frowns and steps closer to the bed, plants another kiss on my forehead, and holds my head for a second.

My heart melts at his touch and kiss, my eyes never leaving his face. Our gazes are locked.

I feel a wave of pleasure running through me just from the way he looks at me. I'm not even drunk anymore.

At first, I hold myself rigid, not wanting to give into him. Eventually, when he puts his arms around my waist, something in me snaps and breaks and I launch myself at him.

He makes a startled sound in the back of his throat, and we fall backward onto the mattress. He cups my face in his hands as I run my fingers over his back.

My head is spinning. The voice of reason in my head is screaming at me, but I ignore it. Ignore it as I lift Adrian’s shirt up over his head and toss it to the floor.

I ignore it as I run my fingers down the length of his back, pausing at the waistband of his shorts.

And when Adrian lifts my shirt up over my head and unhooks my bra, the voice goes completely quiet.

And I'm all his again.

He wrenches his lips away and presses hot, open-mouthed kisses down the sides of my face and over my neck.

It feels like I’m on fire, and he’s the only one who can save me.

We can burn away together, for all I care.