As soon as I set foot in the main cabin, I breathe a sigh of relief.

Adrian is nowhere to be found, and the bar is largely empty.

I hoist myself onto a barstool, push my hair out of my eyes, and signal to the brown-haired bartender who is wiping down the counter. He comes over to me with a smile, and I sit up straighter.

“Hi, I’d like a dirty martini, please.”

“Coming right up.” He spins around and reaches for a bottle from the shelves behind him and then mixes the cocktail.

He places a green olive on top of my drink and sets it down in front of me. I down it in one gulp and exhale.

“I’ll have another, please.”

He raises an eyebrow and says nothing.

I’m on my third drink when more guests start pouring in. A few lean over the counter to gesture to the bartender. Others take up seats at the green vinyl booths and peruse the menu.

A blonde-haired waitress sets a bowl of peanuts down in front of me. I nod and then shove a handful of nuts into my mouth and chew.

A pleasant hum runs through my veins.

The headache in the back of my skull has receded, and the knots in my stomach are no longer as tight.

Unfortunately, the longer I sit here with my mind clamoring for a solution, the less certain I am about what I’m meant to do.

A part of me wants to pack up my bags and take the first plane ride out of Montana.

Another part of me isn’t ready to leave the ranch behind yet.

Being here, getting to experience the outdoors, and attending my therapy sessions has had a positive impact on me, more than I thought it would.

Regardless of whatever else Adrian has done, he got that part right.

I came to the ranch looking for a fresh start and a way to get my life back on track. Slinking back home with my tail between my legs doesn’t feel right.

Come on, D. What else are you going to do? You’re obviously not going to stay away from Adrian if you stay here. So, what other choice do you have?

I signal for another drink and mull over my options a little more.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a flash of my familiar light brown hair and turn to it. Adrian is in a pair of cargo shorts and a shirt that shows off his toned and fit physique.

He earns a few looks from the women on his way past, but he pays them no mind. Once he reaches the bar, he leans over the counter and motions to the bartender.

He’s got an easy smile on his face, and he looks unperturbed. He hasn't seen me yet.

I stumble to the dance floor and half-heartedly sway to the music.

Then I give a quick glance over my shoulders to see if he has noticed me, but his back is to the dance floor. I straighten up. Then I run my hands over the dress to smooth out.

Pausing, I step out of my uncomfortable heels and hold them by the straps. Determined, I weave in and out of the little groups of people till I reach Adrian.

I wait until he’s seated at the bar again before I stumble over to him and lean against the counter. “You owe me an explanation.”

Adrian looks at me. “What are you talking about? Are we still on for lunch?”

“You know what I’m talking about.” I push myself off the counter and sway a little. “I can’t keep doing this with you. I don’t want to keep doing this with you.”

He must feel something for me.