Why can’t I just tell her the truth?

I can feel Danielle’s eyes on me, so I twist to face her. Her bright eyes are full of so much heat and fire.... Something low and warm unfurls in the center of my chest.

The things grows when she inches closer and reaches between us to touch my face. Her touch is soft and gentle, making me feel all sorts of things I’ve never felt before.

Wide, searching eyes. Unflinching when she looks at me.

Mesmerized by her eyes and her beauty, I lose myself in her.

I have little hope of finding my way back to reality.

She stares into my eyes, into my soul, as if trying to uncover a secret. My insides are all twisted by the time she withdraws her hand and smiles. “This is a good look on you.”

I clear my throat. “Right back at you.”

“Yes, I’m sure the sweat and wheezing is very attractive.”

“It is very attractive.”

Danielle sighs and flips onto her back. She lets her hands fall to her sides, and I watch her inhale and exhale. After a few more moments pass, I blow out a breath and stare up at the ceiling.

Then I stand up and roll up my mat. Danielle lifts her head up and watches as I cross over to the door and duck outside.

Through the glass, she is still watching me, a myriad of emotions dancing across her face.

I don’t look away from her until I collide with a harried-looking Doctor Masterson. Papers fly in every direction as I bend down to help pick them up.

I hand her everything back, and Doctor Masterson pushes her glasses up her nose. She brightens up when she realizes it's me and clutches the folder to her chest.

“I was on my way to see you, Mr. Steele. I’ve got your daily report on Brian’s progress.”

“Let’s walk to my office and talk.” She falls into step beside me as we make our way past the studio. “How are his sessions going?”


“Doc, I know you can’t talk about what goes in during the sessions, but can you at least tell me if the therapy is working?”

I don’t want to feel like all the strain this situation is putting on my relationship with Brain is for nothing. That would be counterproductive.

And I definitely don’t want to feel like I’m dooming my relationship with Danielle by keeping secrets for her for no good reason.

If Brian is making progress, then everything is worth it.

It has to be.

“I feel like he’s making good progress,” Doctor Masterson replies, after a lengthy pause. “He’s probably going to need more sessions though. But he’s been complaining about wanting to leave.”

I nod. “I had a feeling you were going to say that. I guess I’ll try to enjoy this while it lasts.”

We stop outside my office, and I twist the knob. “It’s been nice not having to shoulder all my responsibility for Brian while I’m alone. Being in a real relationship with a woman, something I can’t even remember the last time I had, has made dealing with it easier. But dealing with Brian is also straining the relationship.”

Doctor Masterson steps in behind me and lets the door click shut. “Do you feel like you have to choose between caring for your brother or getting to have healthy relationships?”

I step behind my desk and sit down. “I don’t feel that way. I know it for a fact.”

Doctor Masterson frowns. “Mr. Steele, I hope I’m not overstepping when I say this. But you’re the one who has been adamant about Brian needing to stand on his own two feet and learn to survive on his own. But you are keeping him in his room and hiding him from the ranch guests, which isn’t healthy for him or you. While still making unhealthy sacrifices for him.”

I open my laptop and wait for it to start. “Yes, I know but I can’t just abandon him.”