Lately, any time I try to brush my hand against hers or lure her into an empty storage room for a romp, she pulls away.

While she’s not as cold as she was before we made up, something about her behavior is off. I’m worried that something is wrong.

It feels like I’m about to lose her at any moment.

Why can’t life just cut me some slack, huh? Why does it always have to be one problem after another?

“You’re looking fine in those yoga pants,” I whisper, with a quick look around the room. “Do you know what would look even better?”

Danielle lifts her up and stretches her legs back. As she leans forward, she tilts her head sideways to look at me. “I’m trying to focus.”

My eyes dart over to her ass and then flick back to her face. “So am I. Any chance you can do the downward dog in reverse?”

Danielle blushes, and her lips twitch. “No. Now, shush.”

Calming music is playing in the background and bright sunlight is filtering in through the large bay windows.

When Danielle lowers herself onto the yoga mat, she’s bathed in a soft halo of golden light.

I sit down on my own mat, but I keep glancing over at her and finding excuses to stare at her.

I can’t get enough of her.

And I’m beginning to care less and less what the other guests will think and say if they see us together.

Danielle keeps swatting my playful hands and giving me annoyed looks. “Stop.”

“I can’t help myself,” I murmur, before inching closer to her. With a smile, I brush my hand against hers. “Let’s get out of here.”

"Shhhh," she whispers.

Danielle’s eyes fly open as she gets down on all fours and arches her back. “Adrian, seriously. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I’m actually trying to take this seriously.”

“It’s very sexy,” I murmur, my mouth inches away from her. She shivers, and the blood in my ears is roaring louder. “Come on, you know you want to.”

“Not now. We can talk later.”

She gives me another dirty look, and I chuckle. When I lean in closer to her, Danielle swats me away and pauses to tuck her hair behind her ears.

Then she throws her head back and lets out a slow and deep breath. I should just grab her and melt her heart with a kiss.

Not super appropriate during a yoga session.

But I can’t seem to stop trying to move my body closer to hers.

And to touch her.

I want Danielle to know how much she means to me. And that my secrecy has nothing to do with hiding our relationship from the other ranch guests. And everything to do with me and my issues.

Specifically one very demanding and damaged twin brother.

Yet, every time I think of bringing Brian up and coming clean, I break out into a cold sweat. A part of me knows I can’t keep him hidden away in his room forever.

He has a habit of going backwards every time I loosen my grip on him. It's like he has to be constantly under pressure or restricted in order to behave.

I'm not ready to deal with him roaming free around the retreat. He's not ready yet either.

I’m afraid of what will happen once Brian is no longer in the shadows. When he’s out in the light and a part of our lives, it’ll no longer be just the two of us.