Still, as I slouch against my chair, alternating between pushing my food around and sneaking glances at Adrian, I can’t help but imagine what it would be like if we were really together.

I imagine days where we lounge by the pool, watch shows together, and have conversations that last well into the early hours of the morning.

Adrian tilts his head to the side, and he has that signature half-smirk on his face. I sit up straighter and down an entire glass of water.

Then I push my chair back with a screech and pick up my tray of half-finished food.

I stop to leave the tray on top of a stack of others. After brushing crumbs off of my outfit and flipping my hair over my shoulders, I glance up.

But Adrian is not where he was a second ago. He's gone now, probably off to his office for that staff meeting. I can't help but feel disappointed.

Stepping outside, I feel the sun's warmth on my skin, a perfect day unfolding.

My heart is light and filled with joy from the beautiful moments Adrian and I have shared the past few days.

I retrieve my swim suit from my cabin and walk back to the pool with a beaming smile.

Then I grab a towel from a stack of towels by the pool. My plan is to embrace the day, a day woven together with love and sunshine.

Suddenly, I spot Adrian on the other side of the pool wearing a large hat and glasses, same as the ones he had on during the hike.

My heart drops. Is his problem flaring up again? He sure changed clothes fast. What happened to his staff meeting?

Never mind.

I position myself deliberately, eager for his attention, hoping he is as excited to see me as I am to see him.

However, he remains oblivious. He turns and ambles toward the distant edge of the pool, near the beginning of the trail that’s snaking its way back to the southeast cabins.

A wave of discomfort settles in the core of my stomach.


I want to call out his name. But something stops me.

Instead, I put my robe on and walk to the main cabin. I sit in a chair in the corner and cross one leg over the other.

Again I pretend to read the newspaper. But all I'm thinking is: What am I going to do now?

Eventually, I walk out of the main cabin and step into the balmy afternoon air. On my way back to my own room, there’s a heaviness in my step. My blood is humming.

I'm concerned about Adrian. I don't feel like hanging out by the pool anymore.

When I step out of my cabin a bit later after changing out of my clothes, I spot Adrian in the distance, leaning over the fence in the riding arena.

I start walking toward him but he's not even looking in my direction.

Am I invisible to you?

He is looking down at his phone, not paying attention to his surroundings.

As I try to take a short cut to him, I circle back around the pool, making my way toward the arena. I notice Adrian suddenly lifting his gaze.

A surge of anxiety races through me. My heart starts to race. I don't know why I'm so nervous.

He looks briefly in my direction, so I wave, trying to get his attention. I'm too far to call out his name without attracting the notice of the other guests.

He looks ahead and then swiftly looks away. With a sudden burst of speed, he turns on his heels, vanishing behind the rows of cabins to the left of the riding arena.