Droplets of water trail behind me all the way up to the cliff, and I’m exasperated. I pick up my phone and see Brian’s message.

Danielle has one hand over her chest, and the other is held between her thighs. She shifts from one foot to the other and reaches for her dress. “Is everything okay?”

I sigh and pull my boxers on with a snap. “Yeah, I’m sorry. Work emergency. Do you mind if we head back?”

She looks disappointed as we roll up the blanket and carry the picnic basket back through the woods and to the ranch.

No one is around when we get to the ranch main area. I leave a few inches of space between us and send Brian a few messages.

When he doesn’t respond, I leave Danielle in front of her cabin with a quick kiss and a sincere apology.

I find Brian on the floor in his room, staring up at the ceiling, a bottle of unopened scotch next to him.

His clothes litter every surface. His hands are clenched into fists at his sides. Wordlessly, I kick the door shut and slide onto the floor next to him.

When I link my fingers with his and wait, Brian makes a low noise in the back of his throat.

For a while, we sit there in silence. I wait for my brother to collect his thoughts.

Brian has never been good at sharing. And it’s even harder for him to open up because of all the people who have taken advantage of him.

With a sigh, I rise to my feet and retrieve a large bottle of water. I’m halfway through it when Brian fixes his gaze on me and frowns.

“Why is your hair wet?”

“I took a dip in the stream.” I set the bottle down on the dresser and fold my arms over my chest. “You want to tell me what happened?”

Brian sits up straighter and gives me a pointed look. “Not until you tell me what you were doing at the stream. You got a hot date or something?”

“You didn’t call me here to talk about my love life.”

Brian snorts. “What love life?”

“Exactly.” I unfold my arms and pull the chair out with a screech. “What’s on your mind?”

“I know you told me not to use social media during the my hour per day, but I couldn’t help myself.”


Brian held his hand up then ran it over his face. “I know I screwed up. I just needed to see her, you know. After we left things, I wanted to know that she was okay. I know you understand, Ad.”

I frown. “Even if I do, you can’t keep pulling stunts like this. Didn’t your therapist say you need to focus on yourself, and your journey to healing?”

“Yes, but we’re also reliving certain events from the past, so it’s got me thinking.”


“About Vanessa.” Brian stands up and shoves his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “And how we left things. I’m sure that if she knew I was putting in the work, she’d want me back. You said yourself that this place works wonders, Adrian.”

I exhale. “Brian, I think your enthusiasm and dedication are amazing. But you’ve still got a long and difficult journey ahead. And Vanessa has already made it clear that she can’t wait around.”

“It’s because she thinks there’s nothing to wait around for. But if I tell her the truth…”

“What are you hoping is going to happen?”

Brian shrugs and won’t meet my gaze. “That she’ll stop dating other pricks and find her way back to me.”

I stand up and let my hands fall to my sides. “Maybe, but you have to put in the work first. You can’t just say that you will. She needs to see a real change in you. Then maybe she will come back.”