“You’re going to be meeting with the therapist in your room,” I tell him, with a lift of my chin. “If you ever need something when I’m not around, contact Maureen. But only in case of emergency. Call me first every time. I can't afford people mistaking you for me. I know people do. All our lives people haven’t been able to tell us apart. We even sound alike. So, please, please be very careful, don't leave your room for any reason. ”

Brian gives me an angry look and pushes his glasses up his nose “I don’t need a fucking babysitter. I don't want anyone to see me or talk to me. I hate everyone.”

“Start acting like an adult then,” I snap. After giving him one last pointed look, I step out of the room and ball my hands into fists.

Anger and frustration are still bubbling inside of me when I step outside and inhale, the smell of earth and wildflowers wafting up my nostrils.

Without pausing to give myself a chance to process, I find myself in front of the riding arena, where Pablo is leading a white mare around.

“Looking good, Pablo.” I give him a bright smile as he passes, and he grins in response. “How’s she looking?”

“She’s a sweet horse,” Pablo calls out, after a brief pause. “I think she’ll be ready to ride in a few days.”

I offer Pablo another smile and watch as he leads the mare around using a loose piece of rope.

For a while, as I stand there taking everything in, including the whisper of the wind, and the sound of birds chirping, it almost feels like everything is going to be okay.

Like I’m not in way over my head.

But I know that isn’t true, not by a long shot.

In spite of my tough love spiel, I know Brian is going to need more than that to snap out of it and get his life back together.

All I can do is hope that I’m able to give him what he needs and minimize the damage to the best of my ability.

You’re doing the best you can. I’m sure Brian appreciates that even if he doesn’t know how to convey it.

In my pocket, my phone buzzes, and I step away to answer it. “Adrian Steele.”

“Mr. Steele, this is Matt Montgomery from the local newspaper. I was wondering if you have anything to say about your brother's situation or if you know his whereabouts.”

I pull the phone away from my ear and stare at it in disbelief. “How the hell did you get this number? Who the hell are you? What newspaper?”

“Is that really what you want to ask, Mr. Steele? We just have a few questions about his last incident.

“Listen here you son of a bitch. There is nothing about my brother that you need to know. I don't know where he is. Leave him alone. My brother and I don't talk or see each other."


“Don’t you try to contact me again or print anything about my brother. If I find out about anything coming from your end, you’re going to learn firsthand why they call my lawyer a shark.”

“There’s no need for threats—”

“There is every need. I will do whatever it takes to protect my family.”

Without waiting for a response, I hang up and shove the phone into my pocket.

I inhale several lungful of air and wait for the thumping of my heart to decrease. When it doesn’t, I step further away from the riding arena and duck underneath the shade of a tree.

I call my lawyer twice, but each time it goes to voicemail.

I mutter something unflattering under my breath and kick at a pile of leaves on the ground.

When I hear a low startled noise, I glance to my right. Danielle is leaning against the shade of the tree, covered in even more sweat than before.

She pushes her hair out of her eyes and gives me a sympathetic smile.

“You’re the owner of the ranch. If you wanted cell phone reception, I’m pretty sure you can find a way around your rules.”