Another employee emerges. He and Adrian step away, their heads bent together in conversation.

A few short minutes later, Adrian comes back, one hand shoved into his pocket, and the other hanging limply at his side.

I’m still reeling from the shock.

And I want to slam the door shut, find the nearest hole, and crawl into it.

For the remainder of my trip.

Or at least until the strong visceral reaction I’m having abates.

I can’t spend my vacation lusting after him.

Adrian steps into the cabin and motions to me. “Why don’t I show you some of the amenities here?”

I follow him as he opens the cabinets to indicate some of the basics provided. “There’s really no need for all of this.”

Adrian doesn’t respond as he shows me around the rest of the cabin. He stops in front of the fridge and gives me an encouraging smile.

I peer into it and look back at him. “This looks really impressive.”

He swings the door shut and moves to the counter, where there are several gleaming appliances. “You’ve got a toaster, coffee maker, etc.”

Adrian steps out of the kitchen and glances over his shoulders at me. “Let me show you how the faucet works.”

In the bathroom, he holds his hands up to a sensor and water comes out. “Temperature is adjusted according to the weather outside, but you can also manually adjust it. The entire ranch is solar-powered.”

“You know you don’t have to keep trying to impress me.”

Adrian makes his way to the other side and twists to face me. “Trying? You mean to tell me I’m not succeeding?”

My mouth is dry. “You’re hot. I mean not. I mean you are. I just… Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

Adrian raises an eyebrow. “Are you trying to get rid of me already? Damn, I really need to work on my people skills, huh?”

I flush and make a vague hand gesture. “Your people skills are perfect. I mean, you’re fine—they’re fine. But I’m sure you have better things to do.”

Because he is the owner of the ranch, and I’m rambling like some idiot.

I have never been more embarrassed in my entire life.

Nor have I ever before been so conflicted in the presence of a man.

You do not care what he thinks. He’s just trying to leave a good impression. So that you won’t leave a bad review. Plus, he’s probably hoping you’ll tell all of your friends, so more and more people can come here.

As far as he’s concerned, Adrian is just being a good host and businessman.

I, on the other hand, need a serious reality check.

“A good host always makes time for his guests. It’s not all about the business side of things,” Adrian replies. With a smile. As if he read my thoughts. “Besides, I’m happy to help.”

I take a few steps back and turn my back on him. “Do you want something to drink? I’m really thirsty all of a sudden.”

I fill up a glass of water from the dispenser. When I turn around, Adrian has moved closer, his eyes moving critically over the cabin.

After he glances back at me, I eye him over the rim of the glass and forget what I’m supposed to be saying next. He offers me an easy smile, and someone knocks on the door.

As he walks away, I try not to gawk.