I prop myself up and see him racing toward us, his wet hair matted to his forehead. Brian is struggling to match his stride.

As soon as he reaches me, Adrian brushes my hair out of my eyes and kisses my forehead.

“You didn’t think I’d miss the birth, did you?”

I let out a shaky laugh. “I was beginning to worry.”

Adrian takes my hand in his and kisses it. “Not a chance. I’m going to be one of the first people to look at Diana and Nyla.”

“Or Miles and Jacob,” Savannah adds, breathlessly. “We’ll be outside when you’re ready.”

I twist to watch as I’m wheeled away from Savannah and Brian, who are standing side by side.

Brian peels off his sweater and hands it to Savannah, who is still in her one-piece swimsuit with a robe over it.

She offers me a smile and a wave before the doors slam shut behind her. Then it’s a flurry of activity as I’m taken through another set of doors, and my robe is pulled off.

I’m cold and anxious as a petite blonde-haired nurse helps me into a paper thin hospital gown in my private room.

Through the glass window, I see Adrian pulling on scrubs and a mask. Wordlessly, he helps the nurse prop me up on the bed and takes one of my hands in his.

The medical staff that surrounded me has dwindled to four, a total of two nurses and two doctors.

One of the nurses, the petite brunette who helped me out of my clothes, is setting up some kind of drip.

The other nurse is adjusting a tray of medical tools.

My contractions are getting closer and closer, and with the water broken they can't take any risks. The babies have to come out now.

Something pinches my arm, and I grip Adrian’s hand tighter. “We were supposed to have a couple of more weeks to month.”

Adrian squeezes my hand. “I guess they were too excited to be here.”

I throw myself back against the mattress. “Where were you anyway?”

“At the waterfall,” Adrian replies, his voice a little muffled. He pulls down the mask and gives me a smile. “I must have been out of sight when Brian came looking for me. It’s a good thing I had other things to do, or I wouldn’t have cut it short.”

I release a shaky breath. “Yeah, true.”

One of the nurses props my legs up, and I set them down on either side of the bed. The Doctor Pierce comes in, dressed in scrubs.

Her eyes are bright and kind.

“Are you ready?”

Sweat breaks out across my forehead. “No.”

She pats my knees. “That’s okay. We’re all here for you, Danielle. In a little bit, I’m going to need you to start pushing.”

I shake my head and more sweat breaks out across my forehead. “I can’t. I can’t do it. It’s too painful.”

The doctor, whose face is half obscured by the mask looks over at the petite nurse. She steps forward and adjusts something in my IV drip.

Then she steps back and gives the doctor a nod. Doctor Pierce holds her gloved hands up and smiles.

“How do you feel now? Do you feel better?”

I pause and give her a quick nod. “Yes.”