We lie in bed. His head is on my stomach, and my hand is in his hair. I realize that I’m not as scared as I thought I was.

Although I know nothing about being a mom, and I have no idea what the future holds, I know that it can’t be bad.

Not with Adrian by my side.

Together, the two of us can face anything.

Including parenthood.

“I can’t wait to meet you either,” I whisper, looking down at my stomach. “I love you, Adrian.”

Adrian lifts his gaze up to mine, and his answering smile makes my stomach dip. “I love you too, Danielle.”

I look into his eyes and an intense feeling of gratitude takes me over.

Tears well up in the back of my eyes, and a flash of my memories, from the moment I stepped out of the car when I first arrived at the ranch to right now.

Nothing matters anymore, I have what I dreamed of. What Adrian and I deserve to have together. Pure love.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Danielle


Several months later

“Adrian Steel, a self-made millionaire, rose through the ranks of the business world with a few smart investments before striking off on his own and creating several successful projects, including his privately owned ranch in Montana, the Four Elements Ranch. On a quiet and warm July weekend, he wed Danielle Clark in a private beach ceremony a few months ago. Ms. Clark, who works for a small newspaper, looked put together in a store-bought Vera Wang gown—"

I hold a hand up and pull a face. “I don’t think I want to hear the end of that sentence.”

Savannah sits down next to me and tucks her legs under her. “Don’t you want to hear all about how handsome Adrian looked?”

I giggle and bring my arms up over my head. “I already know how handsome he looked. I was there, remember?”

Savannah held the magazine up and pointed to a picture of Adrian and I, standing beneath an arch of wildflowers, the crystal blue waters of the ocean behind us.

There are a few cropped faces in the picture, but there’s no denying the bright smiles on our faces, or the familiar gleam in Adrian’s eyes.

Between several in-person meetings with Gina to finalize the feature piece on Adrian and getting my entire life boxed up and moved out to Montana, I’ve had a lot on my plate.

It took two months just to get my life in the city sorted and settle into a routine at the ranch. Adrian was an absolute saint the entire time, but I knew he was getting impatient.

We've both been eager to start our lives together.

One months after asking me to marry him, Adrian and I finally held an intimate but tasteful beach wedding.

Due to the help of a wedding planner, the two of us were free to wander around and enjoy a stress-free period.

The planner took care of everything from the flower arrangements to the guest list.

Both Savannah and Brian took it upon themselves to supervise the entire thing. They get along really well.

Having already walked down the aisle once, I was relieved to have one less thing on my plate.

Now, months after the wedding, and a week-long trip to Morocco for the honeymoon, it’s a relief to be back home on the ranch and starting my real life together with Adrian.

And with Savannah in between teaching jobs, it makes all the sense in the world for her to stay here with us.

Especially after that unforgettable moment when my doctor first placed the stethoscope on my stomach, and the rhythmic melody of the baby's heartbeat filled the room.