In silence, we sway to our own beat, with his arms around my waist, and my head buried in the crook of his neck.

I inhale the familiar scent of him, sigh, and allow it to wash over me.

When he draws back a short while later, the sound of his phone slices through the air. With a frown, he fished it out of his pocket and pressed the device to his ear.

He says something, but I don’t pay attention.

I am running my fingers through his ash brown hair and admiring the hard feel of his body pressed against mine when he hangs up.

I bring my head to rest against his chest, over the pounding of his heart. Adrian steps back, picks my purse off the dresser, and hands it to me.

“It’s time.”

I search his face. “Okay.”

He leads me into the bathroom. I rip the box open and unfold the instructions.

After placing the stick under me, I squeeze my eyes shut. Then I put it on the bathroom sink. When I’m finished, I lather up some soap and wash my hands.

In silence, I press my head against Adrian’s back. “It’s going to be ready in ten minutes.”

Adrian sets a timer on his phone. Then he carries me into the room and places me on the bed.

With a sigh, he climbs onto the bed and stretches out opposite me. I link my fingers under the pillow and drink in his features.

“We’re going to be great parents,” Adrian says, his voice barely above a whisper. “And don’t worry about getting married before you start showing because I don’t care.”

I snort. “Thanks, but I kind of want to fit into a nice dress.”

Adrian’s lips lift into a half smile. “Fair enough. How do you feel about Tyrion as a name?”

I pull a face. “We are not naming our baby after a character in an R rated fantasy show on TV.”

“Tyrion was a great character.”

“Yeah and unless you want our baby to be bullied, the answer is still no.”

“What about Arya?”

I pause. “I like that name. We can keep that one.”

We spend the next few minutes discussing all of the names we can think of.

When the timer on Adrian’s phone goes off, I stand up. I take a few deep breaths and march to the bathroom.

In the doorway, I pause and glance at Adrian over my shoulders. He gives me a reassuring smile and rises to his feet.

In the bathroom, I reach for the test with my heart pounding in my ears.

A slight tremor moves through me as I turn it over and hold it up to the light. Adrian steps into the bathroom, and I catch a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror.

When I see the two lines, I turn around and swallow past the lump in my throat.

“I’m pregnant.”

Adrian’s face breaks out into a grin. He draws me to him, places a hand over my stomach, and glances down at it. “I can’t wait to meet you.”

I laugh when Adrian scoops me into his arms and carries me back into the room.