“You’re not asking the right question,” I whisper, into her ear.

“I’m not?”

I shake my head and pepper her neck with kisses. “The right question is how many times do I plan on doing it from here until we get to Montana.”

Danielle releases a deep, shaky breath. “How many times?”

I draw back to look at her. My eyes move over her face and down the slope of her chest. “I’m thinking that if we get some food in you, and I let you have a quick break in the middle, there’s no reason it can’t be a few times.”

Danielle’s face turns bright red. “A few times?”

I release her hands and grip her waist. “At the very least. We have a lot to make up for.”

Danielle stares at me through hooded lashes. “We do?”

“Oh, absolutely.” I lower my head, take one nipple between my teeth, and tug. When I move onto the other one, I don’t stop sucking and biting until they’re both as hard as pebbles.

Danielle whimpers when I lean back to look at her.

When she smiles, she takes my breath away, and it takes me a minute to remember how to breathe again. Then she writhes underneath me, and there’s a low whistling sound in my ears.

I grin, lower my head, and take her bottom lip between my teeth.

“I’m going to have you begging me for more,” I say, in a deep and throaty voice. Danielle’s sharp intake of breath echoes in my head as I ease into her again.

I press a kiss to the side of her head. “Wake up.”

Danielle mutters something incoherent under her breath. She sighs when I begin to pepper her neck with kisses. Still, she murmurs sleepily.

I brush my fingers against her nipples, but she doesn’t react. I trace a path down her back, pausing at the curve.

Then I sink my teeth into her flesh and wait. She shifts and scooches closer to me.

One hand stays on the back of her neck, and the other trails down until I’m between her legs. I stroke the inside of her thighs, pausing to splay my fingers over her.

Abruptly, she jerks and is jolted awake. Her eyes are wild and unfocused and thick with sleep when she twists to face me.

“What are you doing?” Her voice is hoarse and scratchy. “What’s happening?”

“I’m trying to wake you up,” I tell her, with a smile. “We’re half an hour away.”

Danielle sinks back against the mattress and flips onto her back. She brings a hand up to her forehead and rubs in slow, circular motions. “How long have I been out?”

“A while,” I reply, with a quick kiss. “Did I wear you out?”

Danielle gives me a wry smile. “What do you think?”

“I think it’s not enough. We’ve still got a lot to make up for.”

Danielle stifles a yawn. “We’ve got time. What’s your hurry?”

I prop myself up on my elbow and study her. “No hurry. I’m just nuts about you.”

Danielle gives me a sleepy smile. “I’m nuts about you too. But I still need food, water, the basic necessities.”

“If you must.”

She props herself up against a pillow and pushes her hair out of her face. “You look like you haven’t slept.”