With a smile, she presses two fingers to the glass and traces it. Then she takes her phone out of her pocket, and I hear her murmuring to her friend.

I move further down to the private plane and fish out my phone.

Maureen answers on the fourth ring. “Mr. Steele, I trust all of the travel arrangements were to your liking.”

“Everything was perfect, Maureen. Thank you. How’s everything at the ranch?”

“Everything’s fine, sir, and ready for your return.”

I glance over my shoulders and lower my voice. “Everything’s ready for our arrival?”

“All of the details have been taken care of, sir. I’ve recruited all of the staff, and they were excited and pleased to help.”

I nod and look out the window, at the clear blue skies. “Good. We’ll be there in a few hours. Please keep this as discreet as possible. I don’t want anyone disturbing us or Brian.”

“You have nothing to worry about, sir. I hope you have a pleasant flight.”

“See you soon.” With that, I hang up and push the phone back into my pocket. When I turn back around, Danielle has her feet propped up and is sipping on a drink through a straw.

I drop a kiss on top of her head, lift her feet up, and sit down opposite her and press two fingers against the soles of her feet.

She lets out a low whimpering noise. “That feels good.”

“Your feet are so pretty.” I switch back and forth between feet, smiling when Danielle sinks lower and lower into her seat. “I’ll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust.”

She sets down her drink and makes a low unintelligible sound.

The plane purrs to life underneath us and begins to move. She sits up straighter, pushes her hair out of her eyes, and tightens her seatbelt.

I smile, fold my hands in my lap, and wait. A blonde uniformed stewardess in a navy and white ensemble appears, offering us a view of her pearly white teeth.

Once the plane settles in the sky, she returns with two glasses of champagne.

I touch my glass to hers and smile. “What should we toast to?”

Danielle’s expression turns thoughtful. “To new beginnings?”

“Who’s being cheesy and corny now?”

Danielle rolls her eyes. “How about second chances?”

“And fate,” I add, before taking a sip of my drink. Danielle eyes me over the rim then sets her glass down. She links her fingers together and sighs.

I finish half of my drink and give her a confused look.

“Are you okay? Do you want me to get you something else to drink?”

Danielle drapes an arm over her stomach and shakes her head. “No, I’m okay. I’m feeling a little nauseous. I guess private air travel doesn’t agree with me.”

I unbuckle my seat belt and wait for her to do the same. “There’s a bed in the back. We can both go and lay down.”

In silence, we make our way down the aisle. I pause to slide the door open and wait for her to duck inside.

After she kicks her shoes off and leaves them by the door, I wait for her to climb onto the bed and make herself comfortable.

Slowly, I take off my shirt and kick off my shoes, and join her.

I pull her to me, and she curls up against me, her familiar floral smell wafting over me.