Slowly, I stand up, take my earpiece out. My eyes dart around the mostly empty office.

Then I stretch my arms up over my head and yawn.

When I’m done, I power down the laptop and leave it on the desk. I slip my feet back into my shoes, reach for my purse, and walk to the elevator.

Downstairs, I’m standing on the sidewalk, inhaling the crisp evening air when a long black limo pulls up next to the curb. I glance on either side of me, but no one comes up.

A uniformed driver in a black suit and hat comes out and holds the back door open.

He looks directly at me and smiles.

I press my phone to the ear to dial Savannah. I’m brushing past the limo when the sound of his voice makes me freeze in my tracks.

In a daze, I hang up, look inside the limo and see Adrian leaning sideways, dressed in a pair of jeans, and a dark button-down shirt. He offers me a winning smile and pats the seat next to him.

“I’ve been trying to call you, but you won’t answer.”

I startle and I stiffen. “I didn’t want to.”

“You left without saying goodbye.” Adrian’s easy expression doesn’t falter as he shifts closer. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I don’t want to do this anymore.” I make a vague hand gesture and sigh. “Look, Adrian, I’m sorry you wasted your time by flying all the way out here. But I have to go back to my life now. I belong in the city at my job.”

Adrian’s brows furrow together. “What about us?”

I swallow. “I don’t think there can be an us.”

Before I start to walk away.

“Before you make a decision, I think you’re going to want to hear what I have to say. I have a twin brother,” he blurts out when I open my mouth to protest.

Say what? He turns the phone his phone around to show me a video call in progress.

Adrian’s brother is wearing a baseball hat and large sunglasses. He takes off the glasses and offers me an awkward wave.

“We haven’t officially met. I’m Brian Steele. I’m Adrian’s twin.”

I make a low startled noise in the back of my throat. No way, that can't be, what is he saying? I feel heat rising up to my head.

“I think we met a few times when you were on the ranch,” Brian continues, in an upbeat voice. His half-smile doesn’t leave his face. “I’m sorry about all the times I blew you off or made you feel bad. I’m sure you can understand why it was very confusing for me.”

I stand up straighter and swing my gaze back to Adrian. “You’re a twin?”

Adrian nods, relief flooding his features. “That’s why we had issues, and why you thought I was blowing you off. It wasn’t me. It was Brian. I didn’t put two and two together until you left. Brian confessed that he had been leaving his room in disguise—it's a long story—and I spoke to your therapist—”

“You spoke to my therapist?”

Adrian nods, sheepishly. “She was worried about you because you left so abruptly, and I couldn’t get a hold of Savannah. Anyway, I flew out once I realized the truth. But I got here late, so I waited to get in touch with Savannah myself.”

I blink, and my heart misses a beat. “You’ve been in touch with Savanah?”

Adrian nods and pats the seat next to him again, more earnestly this time. “Now, can you please come inside? We need to talk properly.”

My feet move of their own accord, before I realize what I’m doing.

I duck and get into the limo. The door clicks shut behind me. The car starts moving as I slide the seat belt over my stomach, and it clicks into place.

Then I fold my hands into my lap and twist to face Adrian.