I take a step forward and see Gina, who is power walking the floor, heels clicking behind her, a phone pressed to her ear. She does a double-take when she sees me then motions for me to follow her.

My stomach drops as I fall into step behind her.

Her name is engraved into the glass outside her office, and she takes her shoes off by the door, gesturing for me to do the same. Reluctantly, I step out of my heels and link my fingers together.

Although I know that Gina likes everything in her office to be kept in pristine and immaculate condition, being in my stockings feels weird.

Slowly, I walk across the carpet and wait for Gina to sit down and tuck a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, still on the phone.

She says something in a hushed voice, hangs up, and sets the phone, face down, on her desk.

“Don’t you still have a few days of paid leave left?”

“I came back early,” I reply, pausing to shift from one foot to the other. “I thought I might as well make myself useful.”

Gina studies my face, her catlike blue eyes giving nothing away. “I see.”

“About the ranch piece, I’m sorry that you feel it isn’t spicy enough—”

Gina holds a hand up and leans back in her chair. “It’s fine. It’s interesting enough to stand on its own two legs. But there is going to have to be a profile on Adrian Steele included. His accomplishments, a picture, all the works.”

My heart misses a beat. “Without any of the salacious stuff?”

Gina sighs. “Yes, fine. Just make sure it’s good. Your ass is on the line.”

My eyes widen. “Me?”

Gina raises an eyebrow. “You wanted something more serious, right? You’ve been asking for a while. I have to admit I had no idea how committed you were until recently. So, this is your chance to prove yourself.”

I’m still struggling to process her words when Gina rises to her feet. “You’re not going to change your mind, are you? This is your first big piece, Danielle. Don’t blow it.”

I clear my throat. “Thank you so much, Gina. I won’t let you down.”

Gina takes a bottle of water out of her mini-fridge. “Good. Now, get out of my office and get back to work.”

With one last grateful smile in her direction, I scurry off to my desk.

Once I sit down at my cubicle, I glance at everyone else over the edge, a strange thrum of excitement pulsing through me.

When I pull my chair closer and wait for the laptop to start up, I can’t deny how hopeful I feel.

For the first time in weeks.

I place my earpiece in, turn up the music, and try to drown out the voices in my head.

All my doubt and insecurity and fear is washed away as I begin the first draft of my article, moving back and forth between different versions of my writing.

Then I connect my phone to the laptop and scroll through some of the pictures I took.

It’s all beautiful and scenic.

But seeing the ranch makes something deep and unfamiliar stir within me. A sadness takes over me, a longing for the ranch and for Adrian.

I want to be back there, riding my horse through the open air or standing atop the cliff overlooking the waterfall.

And in both scenarios, I see Adrian by my side, holding my hand and smiling.

With a sigh, I save my draft and look it up from my screen. Only then do I realize that the light outside has begun to wane.