It isn’t worth destroying what we have.

Or what we could have.

Gina sighs, and I hear the disappointment in her voice. “I thought you were ready for the big leagues, Danielle. You’ve been discussing the possibility of a promotion for a month. This is your chance to prove yourself.”

I exhale. “So, you’re telling me I have to do this story?”

“I’m telling you that doing this story is going to open up a lot of doors for you,” she responds, cheerfully. “Think about it. You’ll have complete creative control, and it’ll be your first foray into the world of serious journalism.”

“Gina, I—”

“Before you say no, I want you to take some time to think about it. Think about what this could do for your career. We both know you need a win right now.”

“Not like this. I’m not using Adrian Steele to get ahead.”

“I’ll expect your answer by the time you get back.”

I open my mouth to protest, and the line goes dead.

With a shake of my head, I glance up. I do a double take when I realize Adrian is standing a few feet away, a surprised look on his face. He slams his mouth shut and wanders over to me.

“What was that about?”

“I pitched the idea of writing about the ranch to my boss.” I tilt my head back to look up at him. “She thinks it doesn’t have enough spice.”

Adrian’s eyes move over my face. “She wants you to write about me?”

“And your family drama,” I add, without breaking our gaze.

Adrian’s mouth tightens. “And, What do you think about what she asked you to do?"

I shake my head.

Adrian takes a step back and shoves both hands into the pocket of his shorts. “So, that’s it then? You’re going to write about us?”

“What? No, I wouldn’t do that, Adrian. I already told you that I’m not one of those journalists.”

Adrian studies me. “Not even to get ahead?”

“Especially not then. When I get a promotion, it’s going to be the right way,” I reply, with a quick look around. “And no matter what happens between us, I’m not going to use any of that to write a story.”

A long and tense moment passes.

Adrian presses his lips together and doesn’t say anything.

I shift from one foot to the other and fold my arms over my chest. “Stop looking at me like that.”

Adrian’s eyes dart around the empty lobby. Then he drifts closer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I make a vague hand gesture. “Yes, you do.”

Adrian frowns and opens his mouth to respond. Maureen appears in front of him, a clipboard held to her chest.

She glances over at me and then back at him. While I wait for them to finish their whispered conversation, I turn the idea over and over in my head.

Am I an idiot?

Am I making this personal?