Chapter one: Danielle

“Excuse me, Miss? I need to pass.”

I mutter something under my breath and ignore the soft voice that beckons me back to the land of the living.

Then someone touches my shoulder. I jolt awake, my vision swimming in and out of focus.

When it clears, I recognize the overhead compartments and the smell of airplane peanuts.

I blink, then I realize that the man sitting next to me is leaning sideways between us, an apologetic look on his face.

I rub a hand over my face and chase away the sleep. With a yawn I unfasten my seatbelt. Once I do, I stand up and move into the aisle between the seats.

With a smile, the older man with salt and pepper hair, and tight lines around his eyes, shimmies out of the seat next to me and into the aisle.

I sink back into my seat, and my hand moves to the drool collecting near the side of my mouth.

Hastily, I wipe it away with a cocktail napkin and squeeze my eyes shut. I hear another murmured voice.

When I open my eyes, I see the flight attendant in a black and white uniform two seats in front of me, a rehearsed smile in place.

Sighing, I sit up straighter and fold my hands in my lap.

I still have no idea what I’m doing on a plane or if going to this retreat is a good idea. Good idea or not, I know it’s a little too late to change my mind.

After all, we’re less than an hour away from our destination.

The plane gives a slight jolt, and I dig my nails into the armrests on either side of me.

Is this how I’m going to die? In an airplane owned by an airline whose name I can’t remember? Before I even get the chance to make it to my retreat?

Stop being so negative. You’re on vacation, remember? This is your chance to relax, unwind, and forget all about your life in the city. And about everything you’ve left behind.

Including an ex-husband who left me multiple messages before I got on the plane. And I already know I’ll have many more when we land.

The thought leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Ironic. This is from a guy who spent our entire three years of marriage ignoring me and only acknowledging me when he needed something. Now he won’t leave me alone.

I can’t deny the relief I feel at having finally plucked up the courage to leave him.

Being stuck in a loveless marriage has taken its toll on me. How I hate that I’ve wasted so much time on the wrong man.

As if I could’ve made Trevor into someone he wasn’t.

You wasted too much time on that asshole. It’s time to put him out of your mind. Kick him out of your heart once and for all.

The plane gives another jolt, and I press my lips together.

Then the fasten seatbelt sign comes on.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see several people return to their seats, wearing anxious expressions.

Moments later, I see the guy from the seat next to me coming back down the aisle.

Droplets of water slid down his face, and a furrow lies between his brows. I tuck my legs in closer and straighten my back.

When he squeezes past, I smell cheap soap and sweat mixed.