Hunger pulled at him, along with that nagging sense of fascination. As if she was a book he was desperate to read, written in a language he couldn’t quite understand, and he knew that if he studied her long enough, everything would become clear. Every secret would be revealed.
He couldn’t give that up. He wouldn’t. His fascination hadn’t become less for having slept with her. If anything, it had become more intense, as if the night they’d shared had created some kind of bond between them, a physical bond that deepened what was already there.
The intensity of his own need was slightly unsettling, but since the whole reason she was here was so they could explore that connection, he didn’t see any need to be too concerned. No doubt his obsession, if given free rein, would soon pass.
‘Wrong,’ he said and got to his feet. ‘We certainly did make promises to each other. To love, honour and cherish, if I remember correctly. Till death do us part, et cetera.’ He moved around the desk, then leaned casually back against it. Getting closer to her, but not too close, observing what his nearness did to her.
She took a half step back, the pulse at the base of her throat beating faster, and he could feel satisfaction dig its claws in. She might not want to sleep with him again, but that didn’t mean he didn’t affect her.
‘But you didn’t mean them and neither did I,’ she said.
Orion folded his arms. ‘How do you know I didn’t mean them?’
Her eyes narrowed into thin slits of sapphire. ‘So you really are going to love me for as long as we both shall live?’
Little minx. He’d known for a few months about the board’s doubts in her and while initially he’d agreed with them, he wasn’t so sure now. Not with the way she was looking at him, all stubborn spirit and challenge, and not at all the quiet, self-effacing woman he’d seen in the boardroom.
Now he thought about it, that was another thing he was curious about. Why she was so quiet when she was definitely not quiet in the slightest? There were so many things he wanted to know.
‘Love has nothing to do with our chemistry, Isla,’ he said. ‘And when you were calling my name last night, you certainly meant it.’ He raised a brow. ‘Or perhaps you didn’t. Perhaps you were faking all those orgasms I gave you.’
Her mouth compressed with obvious irritation. ‘I had no idea you were so invested in sex.’
‘I’m a man, Snow White. Of course I’m invested in sex. And so are you, I think. Why else are you blushing so fiercely? Why else have you taken a step back from me?’ He pushed himself away from the desk and closed the distance between them, looking down into her pink face. ‘It’s not because you’re scared of me, is it?’
Anger glittered in her eyes and she held her ground, which pleased him immeasurably. ‘No, of course not. But you’re overestimating your abilities in the bedroom. Or rather, my interest in them.’ Then she lifted her chin and if that wasn’t a direct challenge, he didn’t know what was. ‘I don’t need anything from you. Not a single thing.’
Oh, she might think that. She might even believe that. But she was wrong. He’d discovered that she was a passionate woman, that she was, indeed, a volcano, and last night she’d erupted all over him. It had been an incredible experience to release that in her, to stoke her passion so intensely she hadn’t been able to keep it inside. Intoxicating almost. And while she might not admit to herself that she needed that release from him, she did.
And he was willing to give it to her wherever and whenever she wanted for the next twelve days at least.
‘I suppose we’ll see,’ he murmured. ‘I have an idea that I’d like to try. As a kind of getting-to-know-you thing.’
‘I don’t need to get to know you.’
‘Indulge me, Snow White. You might like it.’
The look she gave him was suspicious, which amused him more than it should. But all he said was, ‘It’s twelve days until Christmas. So, I propose that for each of those twelve days, we give each other a gift.’
A small crease appeared between her brows. ‘A gift? Such as?’
‘Perhaps... I could help you overcome your shortcomings with the board. Give you some advice, something along those lines. And you will give me, say—’
‘If it’s sex,’ she interrupted. ‘Forget it. Don’t be a cliché.’
She thought she knew him, didn’t she? Well, she wasn’t wrong about the sex, he did want that. But that wasn’t all he wanted.
‘I was thinking a kiss,’ he said mildly. ‘Or maybe a secret. Your presence on one of these excursions I’ve organised.’
She frowned. ‘A secret? My presence? Why?’
‘I told you last night, Isla. You are interesting to me and I want to know why. Twelve days should be enough time to figure it out and then after that, we can go our separate ways, live separate lives until the year is up.’
‘So, I can give you...anything?’
‘It must be something you know I’d like.’
‘What about if I don’t want the gift you’re going to give me?’