She nodded. ‘I never had one of my own, Orion. I was given the taste of one. In fact, I had the taste of one twice, but... The first one didn’t work out and with David... Well, that wasn’t even a family. I was an employee, not a daughter.’

She deserves one, too, especially after David essentially sold her to you. And you can’t give it to her.

His chest felt unaccountably tight. He could see that now, how little Kendrick had cared for the daughter he’d adopted, for the person that she was. How he wanted an ideal to head his company, someone exactly like himself, not a living breathing woman with thoughts and feelings and desires of her own.

And you were complicit in that.

He didn’t like that thought. He didn’t like how regretful and vaguely ashamed of himself it made him feel. It didn’t help knowing he’d never give anyone a family let alone her either. And not because he couldn’t, but because he didn’t want to. He’d had a partner and a child once, and he’d wanted to keep both of them more than he’d wanted his next breath.

But Cleo and his child had been taken from him. Cleo by her parents and then by her own choice, and his child along with her.

He’d had his taste of a family and when he’d lost it, it had nearly broken him. He didn’t want to do it again, not for anyone.

‘You’ll find a family of your own one day, Snow White,’ he said. ‘Of that I have no doubt. In the meantime, I don’t see whywecan’t have a proper Christmas.’

Emotions flickered in her blue gaze, so many and so fast he couldn’t untangle them all. But then the sharp glitter of pain faded and her mouth softened. ‘I’d like that. Did you ever have one? A proper Christmas, I mean?’

‘No. I grew up in the foster system, like you did, and the homes I was placed in never seemed to celebrate it.’

Interest lit her eyes. ‘Oh? What happened to your parents?’

There was no reason not to tell her. ‘I never knew them. They were itinerant workers, traveling around Europe, and I think I was born somewhere in the Mediterranean, though no one quite knows for certain since I never had a birth certificate. They came to the UK eventually—don’t ask me how—and were found one morning dead in a tent in a campsite. Overdose, I was told later. Anyway, someone heard me crying and so I was rescued and put into care.’

Her brow creased with sympathy. ‘I was the child of a single mum. She died when I was four and she had no family so I was put into care too.’ She stared at him as if he was the most interesting thing she’d ever seen in her life. ‘I had no idea you had the same experience.’

He liked the way she looked at him. It was addictive as hell. ‘My background isn’t a secret. There are numerous bios floating around on the internet. It wasn’t pleasant, but I got through it.’

‘I want to hear all about it.’ She pressed her mouth to his chest and gave him a kiss. ‘But first I want my present.’

He smiled. ‘Not only impatient but demanding too. Say please and I might tell you what it is.’

Excitement sparkled in her gaze. ‘Please tell me it’s the hot pool.’

‘I couldn’t possibly say.’

‘Orion.’ She shifted, sliding the rest of her body on top of his, pressing her delectable curves against him. ‘Tell me.’

He was getting hard again, hunger turning his blood hot. He ran a hand down her back and squeezed the soft flesh of her bottom, making her gasp. ‘Say please.’

‘Please,’ she murmured breathlessly. ‘Tell me about my present,please.’

He laughed and told her. ‘Yes, the hot pool. Tonight.’


THEHOTPOOLturned out to be in a small hidden gorge just behind the lodge. The water was a bright mineral blue and steam rose from it in clouds. A wooden path led to the pool from the lodge, which then gave on to a flat area flagged in stone with some stone steps that led down into the water. A small wooden changing cabin stood nearby, well equipped with thick, fluffy towels, though they didn’t need the cabin and Isla didn’t need her bikini either since they were swimming naked.

Orion was already in the water by the time Isla had finished stripping off, and he stood in the middle of the pool, by the stone steps, his hand outstretched to help her down. She was freezing, the stone beneath her bare feet icy, and as she took his hand and went quickly down into the hot water, she gasped a little at the shock of it. It felt so warm and silky sliding over her skin after the frigid air, making her shiver.

The pool was wonderfully deep and she followed Orion into the deeper water, getting her shoulders under and sighing in pleasure as the heat stole away the remaining cold.

There was something magical about being submerged in warm water while snow drifted in the air.

The gorge itself was lit with small lights powered by solar batteries, the illumination enough to see the path and the edge of the pool, but not enough to obscure the glittering black bowl of the night sky upturned above them.

Orion was behind her, his powerful arms circling her as she leaned back against him, looking up at the stars. He’d promised her the northern lights tonight and she was excited to see them. In fact, she’d been excited about everything the past couple of days and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt that.

She hadn’t regretted her decision to sleep with him again, not for a single moment. And when he’d laid claim to her body that morning, she’d decided that well, he could have it. She hadn’t thought what would happen the next day when she’d given herself to him in the hallway the day before, and that he wanted to keep her in his bed for the whole of the next ten days was okay by her. More than okay.