She tilted her head back and met his mouth, pressing her lips to his, gentle and soft. She felt the shudder that went through him and braced herself for the explosion, yet it didn’t come. He remained still, as if waiting for more.
So she gave him more, tracing his mouth with her tongue, nipping at his bottom lip. And then when his lips parted, allowing her entry, she tasted him deeper, loving how he let her explore him, chasing his delicious flavour, because the more she had, the more she wanted.
Her hands were pressed to the hard plane of his chest and she arched into him, the throb between her thighs becoming demanding. Then the leash he had on himself snapped.
Orion lifted his head, his eyes gleaming with hunger. He pulled her mittens off, then her hat and her scarf. Then he proceeded to rip off the rest of her clothes, discarding them along with her boots in a heap on the floor.
He dealt with his own in seconds flat and then she was being taken down to the floor in the hallway, a soft rug beneath her, Orion’s powerful body over her. She put her hands to his shoulders and stroked him, loving the feel of his hot skin, and the strong muscles that shifted and flexed beneath it. His mouth was on hers, the kiss getting deeper, hotter, and she returned it, as feverish and needy as he was.
He slid one hand between her thighs, finding the slick heat there and stroking her, making her gasp and shake, shifting beneath him because she wanted more, so much more. But he didn’t give it to her.
Instead, he rolled over and she found herself sitting astride him. He had a condom in his hand. ‘Put it on me,’ he ordered, his voice gravelly and raw, his eyes blazing with demand. ‘Now, Snow White.’
Her hands shook as she ripped open the packet and not because she was afraid. She was hungry too and the look in his eyes was making it difficult to think. He was desperate for her and she loved it. She wanted the explosion. She wanted the volcano he was to erupt.
She rolled on the condom and his hand came down over hers, holding her fingers tight around him, showing her how to stroke him. Her breath hitched as she followed his movements, watching as the gold in his eyes burned bright.
‘Come here,’ he growled at last. ‘Put me inside you.’
So she did, lifting herself up and then sliding down onto him, his hands on her hips to guide her, feeling the delicious burn of her sex stretching around his, holding him tight.
He made a growling sound deep in his throat, and then he was showing her how to move and what rhythm gave them both the most pleasure. She fell into it naturally, easily, as if they’d been lovers for years and knew each other’s bodies as well as their own.
She couldn’t look away from his beautiful face, set in lines of taut hunger, gazing at her as if he wanted to eat her alive. And as the pleasure climbed higher, becoming more intense, more demanding, she didn’t know what she’d been afraid of.
This was like skating, like flying. Like standing on the edge of a volcano with the wild glory of nature all around her. There was no stopping it. No controlling it. She wasn’t ice and neither was he. They were both fire and they were letting that fire burn.
She moved faster, harder and then he rolled again, taking her beneath him and everything became hotter and more desperate. He grabbed her behind the knee and pulled her leg up around his waist, sliding deeper inside her and she couldn’t breathe for the pleasure.
His mouth covered hers and he was inside her, around her. All she could taste was the delicious flavour of him and the dark spice of his scent surrounded her, and she couldn’t think of anywhere she wanted to be right now but here, under him.
It was agony. It was ecstasy. And then suddenly it was a release that blinded her.
She screamed against his shoulder as the pleasure overwhelmed her, and dimly she heard him call her name as he followed her into the flames.
She was persuasive, his snow maiden. After the wild sex in the hallway, she tried to convince him that a soak in this fabled hot pool of his was just what she needed. But he’d been saving that gift and anyway, he wanted her somewhere warm and soft so he could have her whenever he wanted her. Which was all the time.
So he took her upstairs to the bedroom for a little while and when they were both satisfied for the moment, he ran a bath in the huge white marble tub in his bathroom. He got in with her and they both lay there in companionable silence, watching the snowy landscape out the window.
But of course, she was wet and slippery and one thing led to another which led them back to bed again.
He couldn’t seem to get enough of her.
That night he explored her as thoroughly as he could and then it was her turn to explore him, which he liked a great deal. Yet the puzzling thing was that instead of his hunger getting less, it only seemed to deepen still further. She’d finally given him the gift of her body and he’d thought that once he’d had her again, he wouldn’t be so hungry. But he was. He didn’t understand it.
That might have concerned him if he hadn’t known that he had another ten days of Christmas gift giving, which meant a lot of time to fully comprehend what was going on with her, and so he decided that holding back now wasn’t an option. Clearly to get to the bottom of his fascination, he was going to have to go all in.
The next morning, he woke with her in his arms, nestled against him, her golden curls spread across his chest, and the pleasure that gave him was indescribable. He’d never felt anything like it. It was satisfaction and desire and a savage need to hold her close and never let her go in order to keep her safe.
The intensity of it set off some alarm bells, but since he wasn’t holding back, he ignored the disquiet. Instead, he woke her with soft kisses that soon turned into hotter kisses and then a blazing desire that took at least an hour to fully satisfy.
Afterwards, she lay with her head on his chest, idly tracing circles on his skin, her lush mouth, still red from his kisses, curving in a self-satisfied smile that made him want to growl with pleasure.
‘Your body is mine,’ he said, feeling unaccountably possessive. ‘You made it a gift to me and now I’m keeping it for the next ten days.’
She arched one golden brow, the blue of her eyes hot as a midsummer day. ‘Is that a fact?’
‘It is,’ he said definitively. ‘There will be no argument.’