He only raised a brow. ‘That has never been a barrier to people doing business with me.’

‘This isn’t business.’

‘Isn’t it? You married me to retain your family’s company, Isla. What is that if not business?’

Her jaw hardened, frustration glittering in her eyes. ‘Just give me the damn papers.’

‘Only if you give me what I want.’

‘But you won’t tell me what you want.’

‘You know already, Snow White. I told you.’

She looked like she wanted to spit something at him, and he was already relishing the fight. Instead, she looked away for a moment and when she glanced back, she was once more cold, all the liquid sapphire in her eyes hardening into glittering gems.

‘Fine,’ she said. ‘Have it your way.’ She leaned forward into the space between them and stuck out her chin. ‘Come on, here I am. Take your kiss.’

Then she closed her eyes.

Orion stared at her for a long moment, conscious of a certain dark hunger stirring inside him. A hunger he’d thought he’d long since cut out of his soul.

A hunger to show her that he too could come alive if certain conditions were met, and that he too could make her fascinated with him the way he was fascinated with her.

She didn’t like him, she’d been very clear on that. But she didn’t need to like him in order to be fascinated with him, and he was tired of that fascination all being one way.

He could show her passion too, and it wasn’t in paint or brushstrokes.

Slowly, he reached out and took her rounded little chin between his fingers and held it, watching her tense as he did so. But he didn’t kiss her, not yet. He wanted her to look at him first.

Eventually, she let out an impatient breath and sure enough, her eyes opened. ‘What are you doing? I thought you were going to take this kiss.’

‘I am.’ He gazed at her, relishing the soft feel of her skin beneath his fingers. Conscious of the faint, sweet scent of jasmine and vanilla. Pretty. ‘Don’t rush me.’

‘You said you wanted easy and quick and—’

He leaned forward abruptly and covered her mouth with his, silencing whatever else she’d been going to say.

And for a second, he remained very still, aware of the softness of her mouth and her scent, the warmth of her skin where he held her. She’d gone still, too, and he could feel the tension in her. But since she hadn’t pulled away, he touched her lips with his tongue, gently exploring, coaxing her to open to him. She was reluctant at first, then a sigh escaped her, and her mouth opened and he deepened the kiss, exploring her slowly. She tasted of mint and a tart sweetness that he found unexpectedly delicious so he chased it, the kiss getting hotter, deeper.

Her eyes had closed again, but this time it wasn’t because she was shutting him out. He could feel the resistance bleeding out of her as she leaned into him, her lips moving against his, starting to kiss him back.

Satisfaction hit him like a gut punch. Ah, there it was, that passion, that life. He’d seen it sparking in her eyes and now he could taste it in her kiss. She wasn’t at all cool now, was she? And one other thing was also clear: she hadn’t loved her fiancé. Because if she had she wouldn’t now be kissing him, another man, on her wedding day.

Orion released her chin, allowing his fingers to stroke down the silky warmth of her neck before gently circling her throat, letting his hand rest there so she was aware of it.

She tasted so good and he wanted more, and he could take it, he knew. She’d let him. But he was aware all of a sudden that he was tired of taking things. He wanted something to be given to him for a change. So after a moment, he took his hand away and lifted his mouth from hers.

Her lashes rose, her blue eyes deep as a midsummer night.

‘You can have the papers,’ he said, his voice rougher than he would have liked. ‘But if you want anything more... Well. Let’s just say I’m open to negotiations.’

Then he pulled back from her completely, tossed the papers onto the seat beside her, then rose and went down the back of the plane where he could tie up the loose ends that needed tying up without any more distractions from his new wife.


THEFLIGHTTOICELANDwasn’t long and Isla spent it going over the fine print of the agreement Orion had tossed at her, not to mention trying very hard not to think about the kiss he’d bargained out of her. The kiss she’d given him thinking it was only a kiss, light and fleeting and forgettable. Very much like the kiss he’d given her during their wedding ceremony.

Except it hadn’t been either light, or even forgettable.