Page 90 of Lost Kingdom


No, I could still feel Jeddak’s warm, rhythmic breath on my skin.

Droplets of rain drummed on the ground nearby, mingling with the sound of my heart.

The figure pushed back his hood.

I blinked, trying to make sense of him.

His short hair was white as snow, his eyes the color of sky-blue sapphires. The edges of his face appeared sculpted by the hands of both strength and beauty. If I believed in the goddess of the sky, this would have been her illustrious son.

I know you.

The thought vanished as soon as it came. When I blinked, he was a stranger again.

“Raven,” he whispered, his voice strong and steady as the west wind. “I’ve been looking for you.”

I didn’t feel frightened. I didn’t feel anything except a crushing weariness like I was sleeping under a boulder instead of a blanket.

Slowly, the light faded away, taking him with it. Waking morphed into sleep and sleep into waking.

When I opened my eyes again, he was still there. His hand was on my forehead.

“Your skin is hot,” he whispered, narrowing his eyes as he studied me. Hard shadows darkened half of his face as he leaned closer and took my hand in his. He traced his thumb across my skin.

Was this a dream?

“You’re lucky,” he said, still speaking low. “You’d already be lost to the endless sleep if this scratch had been much deeper.”

His voice seemed very far away.

“Here.” He pulled something out of his cloak. “Eat this. Slowly.” His fingers grazed my lips as he pushed something between them.

When the tart taste on my tongue turned sour, I tried to spit it out, but he held my mouth closed until I swallowed it.

I twisted my head away, trying to tell him to stop, but the words felt too heavy to take flight.

I could feel his fingers moving up my arm now, tracing the outline of my tattoo. “Raven, I—” he cut himself off, his hand falling away. “How’d you get the fourth feather?” he breathed, the surprise in his tone cutting into the brittle cold air.

Behind me, I felt Jeddak stir.

The boy pulled up his hood. “I’ll be nearby if you need me.”

Who are you?

In one quick movement, he stood and slung a bow over his back.

When I blinked, the world was black again.

A faint voicerose on the distant horizon.Raven.


When I opened my eyes, I was standing on a deserted beach. Waves were crashing at my feet. The salty air smelled … like home.

“Raven,” the voice came again. “It’s me.”

“Rainer? Where are you?” I called out. I didn’t see anyone.