Page 50 of Lost Kingdom

Raven was out in the open, running toward the old groundkeeper’s quarters. I could only assume that’s where she thought she’d find this alleged tunnel.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement on the top of the wall. Patrol guards.

Raven hadn’t seen them yet. But in a few seconds, they’d be able to see her.

This day just keeps getting better and better.

“Kah, stay low,” I breathed, pumping my legs faster. I couldn’t shout out a warning to Raven without putting a target on my back.

“I see them,” he said.

I closed the distance between us and grabbed Raven by the arm, yanking her behind a large tree just as one of the guards above stopped to survey the area. Kah sank down behind a short, crumbling wall.

“Let go of me!” she cried, trying to wrench free.

“Shh,” I hissed, not releasing my grip. I pinned her against my chest, keeping us both hidden. She was so close I could feel her rapid heartbeat against mine. I flicked my eyes back toward the wall.

Raven went still, realizing what was happening.

The patrol guards were talking right above us now. Had they seen us? No, there would be arrows flying through the trees if that was true. For a moment, neither of us breathed.

Then everything went silent. Minutes passed.

I glanced at Kah. He was still motionless.Are they gone? I mouthed to him. I hadn’t heard any retreating footsteps or fading voices. Then again, I hadn’t heard the guards approach either, only seen their silhouettes against the gray sky.

I didn’t dare let Raven go until I was certain they’d moved along.

“They’re gone,” Kah called to me, knowing his voice wouldn’t be overheard by anyone.

I loosened my grip. “They’re gone,” I repeated to Raven.

She immediately pulled away from me. “Look, I appreciate what you did for me last night, but I don’t need your help,” she said in an irritated whisper.

Anger washed over me. After already saving her lifemultipletimes, I refused to let her go off and get herself killed now.

I moved toward her until I was looming over her, looking down. “Listen, if you don’t stick with me, youwilldie. In fact, you’d already be dead if it weren’t for me. These guards won’t have mercy on you like Loverboy Bain. They won’t bother to return you to the mines. They’ll kill you in cold blood.Do you understand?” I growled.

She flinched but didn’t respond.

Seeing the fear flash across her face, I tried to soften my threatening tone. “If you want to live, you have to stay with me, k’da? I promise you we’ll find a way out of here and get to safety. Are you with us?”


She didn’t get a chance to answer when we heard shouts behind us. I whipped around to find two patrol guards charging toward us, iron swords raised.

Raven froze.

“Stay behind me,” I said, stepping in front of her. We needed to get rid of these guards quickly before anyone heard the commotion. I drew my sword with one hand and grabbed my knife with the other. Kah stood motionless, teeth bared, waiting for the guards to come within striking distance. After days of being pent up in the Magi’s spell, I could sense he was edgy and ready for a fight.

When the guards reached us, Kah reared up on his hind legs and lunged forward, knocking both men down with one powerful swipe of his huge paw.

Whether dead or unconscious, neither of them moved. Blood trickled from the claw marks that raked across their skin.

A cold breeze wrapped the landscape in silence.

I grinned. “I’ve missed you, friend,” I said to Kah, clapping him on the shoulder.

“It’s good to be back,” he said with a satisfied exhale.