“I mean, he suspected something was going on with you and me, so I told him that I’d asked you to help me…you know…to not be a virgin anymore.”
“And he asked if we were together and I said we weren’t. Not that we aren’t, I mean, but we’re not exclusive or anything. It just kind of happened.”
“Okay.” I’m not sure what else to say, so I say nothing.
Lara is quiet for a bit too, then she asks, “You’re not mad, are you?”
I have to think about it for a few seconds, but there’s really nothing to think about at all. I love her. “I’m not mad. As long as he was good to you, that’s what matters. I’ll take you any way I can get you. I don’t mind sharing. As long as what we have isn’t ending.”
“It’s definitely not,” she smiles. “Thank you for being so understanding. I missed you! How about after lunch we go back to your place?”
“Sure,” I smile…I’m okay with this…really, I am. “So, what did you guys do?”
“Come on!” She laughs. “No details! I didn’t tell him what you and I did! I will say this though, I learned a few things and I’ll be happy to show you if you don’t judge!”
I laugh, “I would never!”
“Really?” She smiles at me, raising one eyebrow.
“Okay, I suppose it’s going to be a little weird to know how my friend bangs, but if you enjoyed it, then I want to be able to share it with you.”
“Okay good!”
Denise shows up right then and puts down our plates, “Two cobb salads, enjoy!”
We both thank her and she goes about her business.
I take a few bites and watch Lara for a little bit. This isn’t the most normal thing in the whole world, but it’s not the worst either. There’s nothing written down somewhere that says you can’t care about more than one person.
Nick’s a good guy. It’s not like she’s having a bit of fun with someone who’s a piece of shit.
She’s known the guy for most of her life, just like me.
It’s good.
I don’t want her to have to choose because that’s just going to end up being a royal mess. Lara’s discovering her sexuality. She should be able to do that without restrictions and all the emotional baggage other people attach to it.
Social restrictions that don’t need to be there. If we can see past those things, the world would be a better place.
That’s what the MC stands for in a lot of ways. We don’t subscribe to the norm. We don’t impose arbitrary restrictions on ourselves. We ask ourselves—why?
Laws and rules from the government were created by the weak to protect themselves from the strong.
Weak people don’t ride in an MC.
Lara is strong and she takes what she wants. She didn’t think anything of telling me about her and Nick.
I love her and I want her to be happy. We’re allowed to love more than one person.
That’s that.
“So, what do you have going on for the rest of the day?”
Lara takes a sip of her coffee before answering, “First, you and I are going to get some cardio in at your place!” She laughs. “After that I’ve got to go back to Chase’s.”