Why him in particular?

I look at Chase and he gives me the same stare that Dom did.What the hell are they up to?

I watch the guys cuff the strange man’s hands behind his back while his tears silently fall, then they drag him out of the bar.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


We’ve been looking for this asshole for months and he just walks in through the door…and with Lara sitting right there.

Dom and I don’t say anything about it in front of the other guys. We drag Malcolm all the way back to the garage at the clubhouse and cuff him to a steel pole in the middle of the space.

Dom tells Nick and Rick to watch our captive, then he jerks his head for me to follow him out the room.

We go outside and I close the door behind us, “Now what?”

“Exactly,” Dom turns to me with frustration on his face. “I thought that stupid son of a bitch would’ve been in Canada by now.”

“And everyone saw him. He just walked in and surrendered. They’re going to ask what this is about. Plus, Lara is right there in the bar. She’s a patch, Dom. He was her brother, we don’t have the right to lie to her.”

“You don’t think I fucking know that!”

Dom looks about as pissed off as I feel. “So, what do we do?”

“I’m thinking,” Dom starts pacing back and forth.

About half a minute goes by and I say, “How about we find out what the fuck he’s doing here before we get everyone else involved?”


“Well, he showed up, didn’t he? Let’s just go ask him.”

Dom stops walking and stares at me like it’s just clicked, then turns for the door. I’m right behind him. When we get inside he says, “Give us the room guys. Chase and I need to have a little talk with this piece of shit.”

The guys nod and go for the door. I can’t imagine what they must be thinking.

Malcolm looks like he’s been put through the ringer…like he’s been hitching the whole way. He has the option of standing or sitting with his hands cuffed behind him around the pole, but he’s on his knees. Is it a posture of repentance?

Even his head his hung like he can’t bear the weight of his own actions.

Dom kicks his thigh and asks, “Does Nico know you’re here?”

“No,” Malcolm answers without looking up.


“I didn’t want him to feel guilty that he didn’t try to stop me. Despite everything…I know that he’d feel bad. He would’ve tried to warn me off…tell me to run and not come back. He wouldn’t have told me to come here and face you all…face what I’ve done.”

“And why the hell do you want to do that?” I ask.

He looks up for the first time with red-rimmed, tear-soaked eyes, and says, “I’ve killed before, but always the right man and for the right reasons. I was always in control. I wasn’t in control that night.”

Dom says, “So what the fuck do you want from us?”

“To make it stop,” he says. “I don’t have the strength to do it myself.”

“Make what stop?” I ask.