It's a deal. When are you free again? I'd love to see you again.

I'm working all week, but maybe this weekend? If you're not busy, we could do dinner or something.

For you, I'll make the time. Dinner, beach, whatever you want. I just want to be with you.

You're too sweet. The beach at sunset sounds perfect.

Sunset beach date it is. It's a plan.

Great! I'm looking forward to it. I should go now but talk to you soon?

Talk to you soon, gorgeous. Counting the days until I see you again.

You too Blaze. ??

I set down my phone, a triumphant grin spreading across my face. She's mine now, well and truly mine. The rest will come in time. For today, this is enough—a date and the promise of more to come. A future I'm going to make a reality, no matter what it takes. No one will come between us.

My heart falls as I get a party invite from Dylan, tethering me back to the present.

No one except maybe her brother.

Dylan is my best friend. We usually tell each other everything, but I've studiously not mentioned Nova to him because I don't know how he'll react. I know how protective he is of her.

But I'm protective of her too.

* * *

The next day, I find myself driving by Nova's house, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. I tell myself I'm just in the neighborhood, but the truth is I can't stop thinking about her. About that laugh, the way she smiles like she means it. The secrets she's promised to share.

When she emerges from her front door, my heart leaps. She's dressed in cutoff jean shorts and a loose tank top, her blonde hair tumbling over her shoulders in messy waves. Perfect. She gets into her blue hatchback and starts the engine, and I'm following before I can think better of it.

She drives to the beach and starts walking along the shore. I give her a wide berth, watching from a distance. The way she walks, barefoot in the sand, is like a caress. Every step she takes into the surf, the hem of her shorts gets wetter and clings to her thighs.

The riptide threatens to drag her out with every wave, and I have to curl my hands into fists to avoid rushing in after her.

She finds a large boulder and climbs up, settling in to read a book. The sun lights her up like a golden goddess, and I'm transfixed by the rise and fall of her chest with every breath. I wonder if she's thinking of me. Our date, the promise of another. The future I'm going to give her, whether she's ready for it or not.

A couple of dudes walk by, and one whistles at Nova. She glances up and gives him a polite smile.

Rage floods me, hot and bitter. How dare he look at her. Speak to her. Smile at her. I glare at him until he notices me and averts his eyes, turning his head away from my death glare.

Nova remains oblivious, lost in her book, and a protective surge rises up within me. She needs me to watch over her. She's too innocent for her own good. Anything could happen to her. Anyonecould take advantage of her.

But not on my watch.

* * *

I slam my laptop shut, pulse pounding. That was too close. Seeing Nova on the beach, so carefree and exposed, nearly undid my restraint. I was seconds away from storming down there and claiming what's mine.

It's becoming impossible to resist her. I need to touch her, taste her, surround myself in her light and chase away the darkness that's been my only companion for so long.

When my phone chimes, I snatch it up, hoping it's Nova. My heart leaps at the sight of her name.

Hey you! What are you up to? I was just thinking about you.

Thinking of me, huh? I like the sound of that. I was just working, but you're a much nicer distraction. What are you doing?

Just relaxing at home.