Page 86 of Wolf Arranged


I turned at the sound of my dad’s voice. He was darting toward us, barefoot and in a worn pair of jeans.

He sandwiched me from behind, hugging me with my mom. “We feared the worst. There have been rumors. I’m so glad you are here.”

I sniffled and drew in a shuddering breath. “There is so much I have to tell you, and we don’t have a lot of time.” I pulled away from them even though I wanted to stay in the safety of their embrace. “Mom, Willa needs help. She’s been injured, and she’s pregnant.”

My mom gasped. “Oh heavens. That poor girl.”

She gave me a gentle pat on the face and then hurried to the car.

My dad pulled back and appraised me. The longer he looked at me, the more his eyes widened and his scowl deepened. “Sloane?”

I glanced down at myself. Oh. I’d made sure Willa had been dressed but hadn’t changed my clothes. Dried blood covered my shirt and jeans. Mikey’s blood. My right hand had dried blood streaks from the glass, but other than a few bumps and bruises, that was my only injury.

“I’m okay, Daddy. Most of the blood isn’t mine.”

He pulled me back into a hug and kissed my forehead. “I never wanted this for you. I failed you. I should have done more to protect you from this. From those monsters.”

I pushed him away and shook my head, pinching my brows together. “No. Going was my choice. That’s on me. Not you. I have so much to tell you. We need to talk. The sooner the better.”

He nodded and cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes.

“The other alphas will want to hear what you have to say. Meet me in my office in thirty minutes. That will give me time to get them assembled.”


My dad and I both turned at the loud yell. I recognized Willa’s older brother, and the other guy had to be Jacob Delido.

I smiled and put my hand over my heart. Jacob was alive. He and Willa would have a chance to be a family. It gave me a reason to hope some good would come from all this.

Both men helped her out of the car, and Jacob scooped her into his arms and carried her into the house with my mom right behind them spouting off orders.

Willa’s brother, Ian, approached me, grasped my hand, and bowed his head. “Thank you for keeping my sister safe and getting her out of there.”

He gave my hand a squeeze and then left just as quickly as he’d come, hurrying up the steps after his sister.

My dad put an arm around my shoulder. “Your mom will take good care of her.”

“I know.” I looked down at my hand. The gash looked deep. It could probably use stitches, but that would have to wait. We had a lot to discuss and not much time. “Assemble the other men. I’ll be ready in thirty minutes.”

My dad kissed my temple. “I’m so glad you’re home.” He appraised me again. “You’ve changed. Grown up.”

I hadn’t been gone long, but it felt like it had been a lifetime. The last time I was here, I never thought I’d see it again, let alone be responsible for inciting a rebellion against a tyrant.

Now that I was back home, I wasn’t going to leave again. We were going to stay here and fight like hell to protect our home. That started with what was on Lincoln’s laptop.

I went to the car, pulled the bags out, and held them out to my dad. “There’s a laptop in one of these. We’ll need to get it set up and running.”

“I’ll have it ready for you.” My dad pulled me in for one last hug. “I’m glad to have you home. I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

I burrowed into his shoulder and closed my eyes, enjoying the safety of his embrace for another moment before pulling away. “Me too. I’m going to get cleaned up, and then I’ll tell you everything.”


Voices carried out into the foyer from my dad’s office. I gripped the banister tightly and drew in a deep breath. There were so many people that a few were standing in the hallway.

The voices quieted as the men noticed me. They nudged each other and pointed. A few moved out of the way, making a path so I could get into the office.