Page 84 of Wolf Arranged

My hands shook as I plugged the key into the ignition before turning it over. The car roared to life. I put it in gear and gassed it.

The car jumped and bumped along the grass until we hit the pavement. Then I let it loose. The tires squealed as we peeled out.

I peeked in the rearview mirror in time to see a few wolves making their way to the road. We had a head start, but would it be enough? I could only hope.

Willa let out a long, shuddering breath. She put her hands on her leg and made an indescribable noise.

Blood soaked through the fabric of her sweats. Crap. I hadn’t even wrapped it back up after cleaning it. Mikey had interrupted me before I could.

“Are you okay?”

Willa grunted as she put her hand on her knee. “I’ll be all right.” She turned to look at me. “I’m sorry about Lincoln. Do you think… Is he okay?”

I reached out with my mind, searching. He was still there. I could feel him, but all I saw was darkness.

“He’s alive.” Unconscious, but alive.

The question was, how long would he be alive for? With Mikey in charge, not long. But Lincoln wasn’t Willa. That had to matter. At least I hoped it did.

Willa leaned forward, adjusted the heater so it was full blast, and put her hands up against the vents. “Where are we going?”

Tears pricked my eyes, and my belly did a somersault. There was only one place I would feel safe and one place I knew we could go. Home.

My heart thudded in my chest. I was bringing the very war I’d been trying so hard to keep away right to my family’s doorstep. I hoped I wasn’t making a mistake. It didn’t matter though.

Alpha Dane would come for them whether I was there or not.

Today I’d set into motion that which couldn’t be undone.

And because of it, Alpha Dane was going to come for my family and me.


We were being followed.I reached up and adjusted my rearview mirror, flipping the button so the bright lights from the car behind me weren’t blinding.

There was a road up ahead. It was a tight turn. I would lose them there. I mashed my foot down on the gas.

Almost there.

A few more seconds.


I jerked the car hard to the right. The back end skidded. I held my breath.

Willa let out a surprised yelp as her head hit the passenger window. She jerked awake, her hand going to the handlebar over her head.

The tail end of the car fishtailed, and the tires spun over the gravel.

Oh crap. I’d taken the turn too fast.

I turned the wheel hard, trying to correct myself. The car zigzagged but found traction on the road again.

I let out a shaky breath.

Willa tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and looked outside the window. “How long was I out? Where are we?”

“A few hours. We’re almost home.” I drifted my eyes back to the mirror.