Page 80 of Wolf Arranged

I thrust the bookend toward him. “Stay back. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Mikey chuckled and moved closer. “We both know it’s only a matter of time until I get you.” He licked his lips. “What should I do with you when I do? You’re far too pretty to kill. I can think of other, more enjoyable things.”

My stomach rolled, and a shiver zipped down my spine. I clutched my weapon tighter. Only a few more seconds so Willa could wind up to strike him.

“Lincoln will be back any second. He’s going to kill you when he sees what you’ve done in here.” I narrowed my eyes and lifted my hand up.

A few more steps, and he was going to meet the bookend.

He tiptoed closer. “Lincoln doesn’t stand a chance against me in a fight. I’ve kicked his ass too many times to count. I do enjoy your spirit. You will be fun—”

Willa shrieked as she swung the lamp like a baseball bat and hit him in the back of the head.

Mikey grumbled and turned toward her. I gritted my teeth, positioned the bookend, and swung with everything I had. It connected with his temple. He grunted and then fell to the floor, unmoving.

Willa lifted the lamp over her head, and with a war cry, she slammed it down on the back of his head.

She wobbled on her feet, and her knees gave out. She whimpered as she collapsed to the floor.

I threw the bookend at him and grabbed her, hauling her to her feet and back to the bed. She sat on the edge, and we both turned back to where Mikey was lying.

Willa trembled. “Is he…dead?”

I blinked and then narrowed my eyes, trying to determine if his chest was rising and falling. It looked like it was, but I couldn’t be sure.

I sure as crap wasn’t going to go check for a pulse. “I’m not sure. And we can’t stick around here to find out. Watch him.Make sure he doesn’t move.” I let go of Willa, ran to the dresser, grabbed a few things, and then handed them to her. “Hurry. Get dressed.”

She didn’t need told twice. She pulled the sweats and hoodie on and then slipped the sneakers on.

I went to the door and peeked my head out. The hallway was empty. I wasn’t staying in this room. Not when I couldn’t be sure if Mikey was dead. The way my luck had been going, he wasn’t.

I left the door cracked and went back to the bed for Willa. She winced as I guided her across the room.

I opened the door again, gasping when someone came around the corner. Lincoln.

He sprinted toward the door and came barreling in. His gaze went to Mikey, and his eye twitched and his lip curled up.

“Lincoln,” I breathed.

His nostrils flared as he turned to look at me and Willa. “Are you hurt?”

“We’re fine.” I mean, we weren’t, not mentally anyway.

We might have just killed a guy.

Lincoln peered out into the hallway. “We have to get out of here.”

He motioned us forward as he sprinted across the hall and unlocked his room.

Willa leaned on me as we hobbled after him.

Lincoln closed the distance between us, put Willa’s arm around his neck, scooped her up, and ran into his room.

I darted toward them and closed and locked the door behind me.

He took Willa to the bed and set her down, and then he went to his desk and packed up his laptop. “My dad had Sawyer call me away. He said there were wolves spotted approaching from the south. He used his alpha telepathy to communicate with the pack, which he almost never uses. I should have known better. Itwas all just a ruse so Mikey could get to Willa. I heard you calling for help and felt your panic. I got back here as soon as I could.” He shook his head and ground his teeth. “I should have seen it was a trap.”

I went to the desk and helped him gather what I thought he needed. “It’s okay. We’re okay.”