Page 68 of Wolf Arranged

The alpha had Lincoln by the shirt and was in his face. “It’s time you step up. The pack needs strength. Not some weak Sigma. It’s unnatural to be by yourself all the time. You are a smart kid. Too smart sometimes, I fear. It’s time you take your place by my side where the pack can see you.”

Sawyer made his way down the stairs. Our eyes met, and he gave me a reassuring nod. He would intervene if needed.

Alpha Dane shook Lincoln. “Do you understand me, boy?”

Lincoln was quiet for a long moment. “Yes, Father.”

The alpha shoved him away. He stumbled but didn’t go down.

The alpha glared at him. “Good. Because if you can’t take your place by my side, you aren’t really of any use to me.” He turned on his heel and stomped up the stairs, leaving his threat hanging in the air. He paused at the door. “Sawyer, with me.”

They disappeared inside, the door slamming shut behind them.

I scrambled to my feet and hugged Lincoln, squeezing him tightly. “Lincoln.”

He put one arm around me. “Let’s get inside.”

We walked to his room in silence, but I could feel the tension rolling off him. This was bad. Very bad.

Lincoln shut and locked the door once we were inside. He let out a breath and raked his fingers through his hair. “My dadknows something is up. He doesn’t know my involvement yet, but he suspects.”

“How can you be sure he suspects? He asked you to be involved.” I nibbled my lower lip.

He leaned against the door and crossed his arms over his chest. “Sloane, you saw how he acted. He was trying to get a rise from me. Bait me. And I know my dad. He maybe doesn’t outright suspect me, but he knows something is amiss. He knows I’m smart enough to pull it off.”

I went to the bed and sat. I put my thumbnail in my mouth and chewed it. “What now?”

“We have to warn those packs. We can’t afford to lose them, especially if they’re willing to show a strength in numbers.”

I dropped my hand to my thigh and stared at him. “But that will all but give yourself away.”

He shrugged. “Maybe. Probably.”

I stood and stomped toward him. “How can you be so nonchalant about it? He’ll kill you!”

He put his hands on my shoulders and bent so he was meeting my eyes. “Not if he can’t find me. Find us.”

I gaped at him as my mind whirred.

Lincoln pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Sawyer and I have made provisions for this. I didn’t expect it to happen so soon, but…” He shrugged. “Here we are.”

I grabbed his elbows. “How are you so calm right now?”

A smile crept over his features. His shoulders slouched, and he cupped my cheek. “Getting out of this place is a relief. I’ve been looking forward to this day.”

“Sawyer? What happens to him?” I swallowed hard as my pulse pounded a million beats a minute.

Lincoln inhaled a deep breath and looked away. “He’ll stay here and be our guy on the inside.”

I shrugged out of his grip and stumbled back like he’d slapped me. “He’ll be in danger.”

No. No way.

I wasn’t leaving him by himself with that madman. There had to be another way.

Lincoln closed the distance between us. “He won’t. I’ll have bugs that I can set up in the house that will make it look like I’m still able to monitor stuff. He’ll feed me everything, but we’ll make it seem like we’ve been listening the whole time.”

I covered my mouth. It was crazy. Insane. But it might work, and it would give us the freedom to assemble an army to defeat the Wolf Blood Pack.