Page 49 of Wolf Arranged

“I’ll be fine.” The thought of having to sit between both of them and their scents mingling around me was enough to make me want to yank them both back into that hotel. Screw Sawyer’s worries.

But I wasn’t going to do that. He’d rejected me. Us.

I wasn’t going to beg him.

Sawyer revved the engine before he took us out of the parking lot. “Dad wants us home as soon as possible. I found another way on GPS. It should cut a few hours off our time.”

Lincoln put his hand on the center screen and scrolled through the route using the touch screen. “This takes us over the river. Are you sure it’s safe? Last night could have been bad.”

“I checked with the sheriff. The road is clear. We need to make it across before more rain rolls in.”

I peered out the window. The clouds were gloomy and gray. It was a dreary day to match my mood.

Sawyer’s phone rang, and the name Dad came up on the center screen. I shuddered and hugged myself, but couldn’t tear my gaze away from the screen.

Sawyer hit the green button to answer the call. “Dad?”

“Change of plans. It wasn’t the Delidos at all. It was a small group of rogues. Hector and Romeo have already neutralized them. The second you get back, I want you to question them. They’ll be waiting for you.”

Sawyer flexed his hands on the wheel. “Of course. We’ll be there in about three hours.”

Alpha Dane growled low enough to make it rumble through the car speakers. “Make it two or less. I want them questioned and questioned by you. Not them.”

Sawyer stepped on the gas, making the car engine rev. “Understood.”

“Don’t let me down again, Sawyer. You should have been there last night.”

Sawyer gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white. “I’m sorry, Father. I won’t let you down again.”

“No, you won’t. We’ve almost caught up to your mate and the traitor Delidos. You’ll be the one to execute her.”

I covered my mouth and looked out the window as tears clouded my vision. Willa.

He was bluffing. He had to be, right?

I flicked my gaze to the sky.Luna, please keep them safe.

Sawyer didn’t have to respond. “We’ll be home soon. Take care of the men, and be ready to deal with the girl.”

The phone cut out.

Sawyer punched the steering wheel and shouted a few expletives.

Lincoln turned in his seat to look at me. “Do you know any way to reach Willa?”

I drew in a breath and searched my memory. Did I know her number? No. We’d been friendly, but had never exchanged numbers. Even if we had, she didn’t have her phone with her. But we might be able to contact her dad. She might have reached out to him.

Alpha Dane was going there, and she had to know that. She was close with her family like I was with mine. There was no way she hadn’t contacted them the first chance she had.

“We could try to connect with her through her dad.” I massaged my temples. “I shouldn’t have let her leave.”

Lincoln put his hand on my thigh. “It’s not your fault. She made her choice. Don’t forget that.”

“Do we know their number?” I asked.

Lincoln shook his head. “My dad might. I can see if I can get into everything from my phone. It’s not quite the same as my laptop, but it’s still a computer.”

Sawyer drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Isn’t her pack relatively close to here?”