Page 42 of Wolf Arranged

My teeth clattered, and gooseflesh pimpled my skin. Now that I was in the car and we were moving away from that monster, therain and chill in the air hit me. I sagged against the seat and drew in a deep breath.

My muscles ached in my neck and back from the tension I’d been holding there. My eyes were heavy. I let them slide closed.

Lincoln put his hand on my shoulder. “Sloane?”

I opened my eyes and drew in a deep breath. It wasn’t over yet. Just this piece of it was. We still had a long fight ahead. “What’s our next move?”

Sawyer took one hand off the wheel and put it on my thigh. “What really happened out there?”

I turned to look at him. “Willa is in love with Jacob Delido. When she saw him, she ran. She wanted to go with them.”

Sawyer gripped the wheel tighter, making his knuckles turn white on his left hand. His right hand still lay gently on my thigh. “Lincoln, have you warned the Hamptons?”

“I’m working on it now.”

He was? I twisted in my seat.

His hand slipped off my shoulder, and he looked up from his phone. “Sent. If they leave immediately, they’ll have a bit of a head start.”

I put my hands on the back of my neck and rubbed the muscles there. “What will he do to Willa if he catches her?”

Sawyer squeezed my thigh, and Lincoln reached up to my seat again, gently nudging my hands away and rubbing at my neck.

Sawyer was the one to speak up. “Willa’s a smart girl. Let’s hope she and the Delidos cover their tracks well so it doesn’t come to that.”

I gulped and fought back the tears pricking my eyes. I turned so I was looking out the window. The trees blew past us in a blur. The rain and the wind had knocked a lot of the leaves from the trees, painting the ground an orangish yellow.

We were quiet for a while. The only sound in the car was the swishing of the wiper blades as they made their frantic attempts to clear the rain from the windshield.

The rain hadn’t let up. If anything, it seemed to be raining harder than before.

I could see the river from the car window. It was high, swelling across the ground and covering the trees and brush.

Lincoln didn’t stop massaging my neck. His thumbs dug down deep enough to work the knots from my muscles.

Sawyer cleared his throat and looked at me, then Lincoln. “You should see if you can establish a way to stay in contact with the Hamptons and the remaining members of the Delidos.”

Lincoln leaned farther forward, his chin resting on the back of my seat. “I’m already one step ahead of you, brother. I’ve established a few different channels that we can stay in contact with them. It’s just a matter of whether or not they read my email or not.”

Sawyer drummed his thumb on the steering wheel. “Let’s hope they do. For our plan to work, we’re going to need our own army.”

I put my hand overtop his. “Do you think they’ll help us?”

He shrugged. “I hope so. Running is only a temporary fix. The stronger our father grows, the farther his reach will be. Eventually, there won’t be anywhere that’s safe.”

I rubbed my finger over Sawyer’s hand. “Hopefully, they see that logic too.”

Lincoln continued to work over my shoulders with his thumbs. “We’ve given them everything we can to lead them down that path. It will be up to them to follow it. Even if they don’t, our plan to take down the business is already in motion. If we take the money, that will hinder his ability to go on these road trips to other packs. Plus, the police and all sorts of other government agencies will be watching him.”

I bit my lip. “But is that enough to stop him? And involving humans could be risky.”

Lincoln leaned closer and pressed a kiss to my hair. “I don’t like involving humans either, but we have to do what we can. We will stop him. I promise.”

I drew in another breath and then let it out slowly.

Yes. We would.

Lincoln’s arm shot forward, his finger pointing. “Sawyer!”