Page 34 of Wolf Arranged

Sawyer exhaled as he closed his eyes. “I’ll see what I can do. But I need to know you’re safe first.”

I grasped his hand in mine. His palm was warm and calloused, and his very touch sent gooseflesh over my skin.

I cleared my throat. “Promise me you’ll be careful tomorrow.”

My heart thudded painfully in my chest at what he was leaving to do.

He looked down at our joined hands and sighed as he shook his head. An angry half smile shone on his features as he looked back up at me. “My dad has changed his plans. We areallgoing tomorrow. He wants you and Willa to watch as he overtakes the Delido Pack. The two of you and Lincoln will be going, too.”


I put a handover my mouth. My belly knotted. I didn’t want to watch this. The Delidos were a good pack, with lots of youngsters scampering off for safety as Alpha Dane and his men descended. They didn’t deserve this.

The weather agreed with my sentiments. The rain poured down relentlessly. I’d been out of the car for only a few minutes, and I was soaked through.

I swiped the back of my hand across my face, but that didn’t help. More rain dribbled from my hair into my eyes.

Willa made a sound in the back of her throat and turned toward the car. She rested her head on the door. “I can’t watch this.”

Butterflies fluttered in my belly as the two alphas met. They were talking. For now. I held my breath.

Lincoln closed the distance between us and put his hands on my shoulders. I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder.

He drew me close, hugging me to him. “Hopefully, they will agree to my father’s terms.”

I twisted so I could look at him. “Did you get any messages through to them?”

He had been gone well into the early hours of the morning. I didn’t know what time he’d come to bed, having fallen asleep sometime around two.

“I tried.” His gaze flicked to mine. “I don’t know if they received it, or if they believed it.”

I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth and watched the two alphas. I darted my gaze to Sawyer, who was standing to his father’s right. If this went south, he was right there. He could be hurt. Or worse.

“They only seem to be talking. That’s good, right?”

Lincoln let out a long sigh. “No. My dad is getting irritated.” He lifted his finger and pointed. “Look. See how he keeps balling his fists, and the back of his neck is beet red?”

I squinted, trying to see through the dense brush and the pouring rain. Lincoln was right. Alpha Dane was doing that, and his neck was almost purple.

“Does that mean he’s going to attack?” I held my breath, but that didn’t stop my heart from racing.

He hugged me from behind. “It’s only a matter of time. He’ll give the signal beforehand, and our wolves will descend.”

My pulse pounded harder, and I drew in a shuddering breath. I darted my gaze around for signs of Sawyer. He’d been right next to the alpha a moment ago. He was nowhere in sight now.

“Sawyer,” I whispered.

Lincoln leaned forward and scanned for his brother. “He’s anxious.”

“You can feel him?”

“I bet you can too.”

I shook my head as I kept searching. “All I feel is my own fear.”

“Sawyer’s in there too. It’s the cold dread and anxiousness for the fight to come.” Lincoln’s hand jutted out, his finger pointing. “There. He’s over there.”

I followed his finger, and the tension left my shoulders when my gaze landed on him. Then I stood straighter, my muscles recoiling and tightening all over again. He was moving into attack formation.