Page 21 of Wolf Arranged

“That’s not all.” He shifted closer to me and pulled up some financials. “I also do the books for my dad. He fudges the numbers to avoid paying taxes.”

“How is that going to help us?” I worried my bottom lip.

The app had sounded promising. I wasn’t so sure where he was going with this though. It sounded more like a white-collar crime than something that involved the packs.

“My dad thinks he is all-powerful. Sawyer and I know that to take him down, we have to take him down on all fronts.” He set the laptop on the bed and turned toward me. “It’s a long game, Sloane.”

“How long?”

He shrugged and shook his head as his shoulders slumped. “I don’t know. We will only get one chance at this, so we have to get it right.”

My mind wandered to my timeline. Six months. Would that be long enough? I couldn’t risk my family and pack. And there was another problem with this scenario.

“Won’t this alert humans to your dad? I don’t see him just rolling over for the IRS or whoever it is that prosecutes white-collar crime.”

“That’s part of it. We set it up so that he loses his business, his money, and then we get our friends to attack and take him out.”

I pursed my lips as I processed what he was saying. It still didn’t add up in my mind.

Lincoln stood and started pacing again. “Sawyer has been making sure that when Dad attacks, other packs’ people are getting away. Good people. Wolves we can trust. They havethis information.” He pointed at the computer. “We have been communicating with them and coordinating. It’s also given us an opportunity to warn other packs. We are building an army and preparing to strike when he is at his most vulnerable and distracted.”

I drew in a deep breath and then let it out. It was starting to click now. “How many people have you connected with?”

“Over two hundred wolves. Eighteen alphas.”

“Okay.” We were getting somewhere. “How do you know you can trust all of them? If they are anonymous, couldn’t they be here?” I pointed to the floor and shuddered at the thought.

Alpha Dane seemed paranoid. Surely he would know something like this was going on.

Lincoln shook his head. “I get people from the shifters’ website. The one that we all use…” He looked at the computer. “I have a program written that decrypts all their information so I can verify it. I reach out to them.”

“You can do that?”

There was a shifter website that most packs and their members belonged to. It was a community like Facebook designed just for shifters where we could post and ask questions in a safe environment away from human eyes.

He gave me a sheepish look and nodded. “I make sure they are who they say they are and then reach out anonymously through my website I built.”


He tucked his hands back in the fronts of his pockets. “I’ve had a lot of time to myself over the years. I prefer it. I write in six different programming languages and…” He gave me a goofy grin.

I blinked. “You’re a hacker?”

He ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. “Yeah, I guess that’s one way of putting it.”

I laughed out loud. How could he be so humble? This might be our shot at stopping his father.

“Do you think this can work?”

The smile slipped from his face, and he licked his lips. “There is only one way for us to find out, and we aren’t going to know until we try it.”

He closed the distance between us again, reaching out like he might try to touch me before pulling his hands back again.

Why didn’t he touch me? Was he afraid?

I lifted my trembling fingers and touched his hand. His gaze snapped to mine, and I sighed at the electricity flowing between us. Fire ignited in my belly, and I shifted in my spot.

My arousal permeated the air. Lincoln inhaled. His thumb caressed my hand, sending gooseflesh up my arms.