Page 89 of Wolf Arranged

“Sloane.” My father’s voicecalled to me. It sounded like he was a million miles away. “Sloane.”

He was closer now, and my whole body shook like it did when he jostled me awake after falling asleep on the couch watching movies with him.

“Is she okay?” Mark’s voice was there, too. “Sloane!”

“Sloane,” Lincoln whispered, his voice a hoarse croak. “You’re safe.”

He grunted as he rolled so he could reach out with his good hand.

I reached for him, but as I did, the air became foggy. Lincoln faded away. My father’s office took shape again.

I drew in a deep breath and let it out as I looked around the room. My dad was next to me, his arm around my shoulder, and Mark was in front of me. Both stared at me with worried eyes.

Mark narrowed his eyes. “I think she’s back. Sloane?”

I blinked and put a hand on my face. “What happened?”

My dad put his hand on my forehead. “You zoned out, sweetheart. It was like you were somewhere else entirely.”

I pushed the hair off my neck with a shaking hand. “I think I was.”

Mark looked at my dad as he stood. “Maybe we should get her upstairs to her room. Mom should have a look at her, too. Who knows what they did to her?”

I waved my hand and shook my head. “They didn’t hurt me. I’m okay.”

My dad lifted up my hurt hand. “Sweetheart. I know there are some things you don’t want to tell us, and I understand that. Mark, get your mom. Sloane, let’s get you to your room. You’ve had a long day, and I think it’s starting to take its toll.”

He stood and pulled me up with him. He kept his arm around me as we made our way through the house and upstairs to my room.

Tears pricked my eyes as he pushed the door open. Everything was exactly the way I’d left it. I hadn’t taken it in earlier, knowing I had to get back downstairs. The only thing out of place was my dresser drawer I’d left partially open while finding my comfy yoga pants and university sweater.

My dad helped me to my bed and drew back the comforter. “Lie down, sweetie.”

I climbed in underneath my jade comforter and pulled it up to my chin as I nestled into the pillows. My eyes were heavy and hard to keep open now.

My dad tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and then cupped my cheek. “You rest here. I’m going to get your mom and be right back.”

I yawned and nodded. He lingered with his hand on my cheek a moment longer before heading for the door.

The door creaked open, pulling me away from sleep. “Dad.”

He paused and turned back to me. “Yeah?”

I turned and sat up so I could see him. “Make sure Willa is taken care of first. She’s hurt pretty bad, and she had it a lot worse than I did.”

“I’ll be back soon.” He didn’t leave until I’d burrowed back into the covers.

I closed my eyes. The air around me hummed again. My pulse raced as fog surrounded me.

I pushed through the haze until I saw Lincoln again. He’d been moved…well, sort of. He was still in the same room, but now he was upright, strung up from the ceiling with shackles around his wrists. His feet dangled several inches from the floor.

He wasn’t alone. There was another man there. The two of them were talking, but it was a muffled conversation, like I was listening to it with my head underwater.

I moved closer to Lincoln and turned to see the man standing in there with him. My stomach knotted as his face came into view. Mikey.

That bastard was still alive.

My nostrils flared as I gritted my teeth. He was looking at his partially shifted hand and picking at his claws with his human hand while running his mouth, but I couldn’t quite make it out.